Chapter 7

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I woke up because the sun came through the curtains of Cheryl's room, and I shivered since I felt really cold. Cheryl and me were both naked, because we were too exhausted to get dressed after we had sex. My arms wrapped around her body and pulled her closer to me. My lips found hers and she mumbled "Good morning ma chérie" I hummed and kissed her again. "Good morning to you too gorgeous." We enjoyed the warmth of our bodies a little bit longer. "Do we really need to get up? It's too comfortable here with you" I snuggled closer to her and inhaled her scent. "No, we don't. It's Saturday after all. We can stay in bed the whole day." I smiled for a second but then tensed.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl asked immediately. "I need to go home today. I promised my mom to help her unpack the last cartons." "Oh okay" she whispered. "You could come with me and help. If you want, of course." I sat up and held the blanket over my body. My hair was tousled and fell down in waves. Cheryl's fingers combed through it and said, "I would love that, but I have cheer practice today." I turned to her and narrowed my eyes. "A few minutes ago, you said you would like to stay in bed the whole day." She sat up to and sighed. Cheryl didn't even try to cover her naked body. "I forgot it. I never forgot about this until now. It's your fault." She came closer to me, and I smirked. "Oh yeah? And how do I do this?" Cheryl pulled the blanket away and sat on my lap. I moaned at the feeling of her naked skin against mine. "I will show you" she whispered in my ear and kissed my neck.

After an hour I saw Cheryl typing on her phone. I came out of the bathroom, rubbing my hair with a towel. "What are you doing?" I asked her and looked down on her phone. Cheryl wrote in the River Vixens group:

"Don't forget practice today bitches!"

I rolled my eyes and slapped her arm. Cheryl yelped and said "Ouch! What was that for?" She stood up and crossed her arms. "That was not nice Cheryl." She huffed and told me "They're saying Ice Queen not without a reason to me!" I rolled my eyes and walked back to the bathroom. Cheryl's eyes saddened and she followed me. She grabbed my hand and turned me around. "I'm sorry okay, but I have a reputation to keep." I huffed. "Yeah of course Cheryl. You're just afraid to show them, how you really are. That you're not that tough." My words hurt us both, but mostly Cheryl, she had tears in her eyes, and I took a step forward to her, but she stopped me. "You should go." My heart broke at those words, but I nodded. I didn't bother to take my things with me, I just grabbed my phone and helmet and walked out, I forgot my camera as well. At my bike, I looked up at Cheryl's window, my vision was blurry, because of the tears in my eyes. I wiped them away and saw Cheryl walking away from her window. Putting my helmet on, I started the bike and drove home.

At home I opened the door, and a sob escaped my lips. My mom heard it and came to me. "What's wrong sweetie?" I only shook my head. I couldn't speak and my mom pulled me into a hug. We unpacked the last cartons and as I finished it was nearly midnight. I walked to my room and looked at my phone, hoping Cheryl had called or texted, but nothing. Instead, Ronnie had texted me a while ago.

Ronnie: "Do you know what's going on with Cheryl? She's really annoying today and is shouting at us the whole time. I mean she always yells at us, but today more than ever."

Me: "I don't know. Haven't seen her today. Was busy. Sorry."

I answered and opened Cheryl's messages. She was online. I started typing, but then I deleted everything. I looked at the screen for a couple of minutes, but then locked it. Laying my phone on the nightstand and standing up, I sat at my window and looked out. I felt miserable for my words and tears were streaming down my face again.

I must have fallen asleep at my window because I woke up with back pain and indeed at my window. I stood up and stretched my body. My gaze wandered to my phone, but nothing. I sighed and walked downstairs. My mom had prepared breakfast and asked if I wanted to talk. I nodded and told her about the fight I had with Cheryl. She listened and told me afterwards that I need to give her space. I nodded and went into the bathroom. This night I scrolled through Instagram and saw that Cheryl posted a picture. 


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"Sometimes it's just hard to smile and be happy. The person you love the most hurts you, but you're afraid to talk and show, that you're exactly the bitch, everyone is seeing."

After I read the text underneath the picture, I cried again. I wanted to comment it, but I was too afraid. I cried so much that I fell asleep. 

She's got the soul of a storm / Cheryl BlossomWhere stories live. Discover now