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"Okay listen, Wilbur. It will be okay? I promise that it will be. We are going to do it", you said, trying to calm the tall man in front of you down. He completely freaked out and didn't know what he was doing at that point neither did he know that he was being completely different than he once was.

"No, Y/n. It's not going to be okay... Even if we win, it won't be the same", he answered as he ran his hand through his hair. You approached him and put your hand on his arm as comfort. "Wilbur, I promise that it will be. We once built this nation together, remember? It is still our nation, our country, our symphony. And I promise that I won't let anyone else take it from us ever again!", you said with a smile as the young man looked down into your eyes and smiled slightly. "It's gonna be alright, Will. Trust me, okay? I love you." His smile grew even bigger while he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug.
"I know, Y/n. I love you too."

Memories were still floating through your head as you felt a pair of dark brown eyes directly in front of you which brought you back to reality.
"Happiness?", the man asked as he took a step back and looked at you.

Happiness? That was the word you said when he asked you what you wanted?

You didn't even know this man and already told him how depressed you were. Wow, what a great start in this new country!

"Forget it", you mumbled and tried to get past him, but he stopped right in front of you. "Is that what you are looking for?", he asked again and looked to your hand which still had the key in it. You hesitated to answer, but just laughed sarcastically. "It's not like someone like you would care anyway", you answered and looked back into his eyes which didn't seem to be this mysterious and tempting anymore.

You could've sworn that you saw some sadness. His eyes almost came off depressing and hurt. Like someone hurt him.

"Oh, okay just because I'm living here makes you think I don't know how it feels to be sad?", he said before he turned around. "That key belongs to L'Manberg. Doesn't it?", he once asked again before he started to walk away.

He knew that your key once belonged to L'Manberg? How? Not everybody knew that. Just people who had been there or a part of it knew that.

Your eyes widened as you quickly followed and stopped in front of him. "You were there, weren't you?", you asked him, looking up into his eyes. A slight smile was now seen on his face. "Yeah. I was, but I don't think someone like me would understand you anyway", he answered as his smile faded away before he wanted to walk off again, but you stopped him by his hand. "I'm sorry", you sighed. "I didn't know that you were there. I'm just.. not good with people. It's my first day here and god, I'm just tired", you said again, letting go of his hand as you sighed again.

You opened up to a complete stranger again. What was wrong with you? But no, he wasn't a complete stranger. You recognized his voice and he just told you that he had been to L'Manberg. Maybe you already met him, but forgot that.

"Your first day here? That's why I would've recognized a beautiful woman like you", he said and looked down to you. "You must've been a part of L'Manberg having that key." You ignored the first part and nodded. "Someone gave it to me, but yeah I was", you answered. He continued looking at you as he smiled again. "Do you mind if I take you to a more private place? I wanna ask you something", he responded, waiting for your answer. You simply nodded, as he gently took your hand and led you through the very back of the casino and then went upstairs and led you into a room which looked like your hotel room.

He quietly closed the door and walked over to a big red couch where he sat down and poured a bottle full of whiskey in a glass before he drank out of it. You slowly went further into the room and looked around.

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