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This couldn't be reality. This had to be one of your traumatic hallucinations you got from time to time which was normal considering your past. But no, this wasn't a hallucination or a daydream.

The expression on his face was more real than anything that you've ever made up by your mind.

He was no longer dead.

Wilbur Soot was very much alive and standing right at the other side of this piece of land, laying between you.

You didn't even need to make sure if he had been back, you've just known that by looking at him. He didn't look like someone who spent his last few years in peace, he looked like a ghost. His skin was pale and some parts of it were bandaged, like he had been injured or hurt.

Apart from that, some things stayed the same, just like you had them in mind. He still wore the same brown coat when you saw him get killed by his own father, he also still had these round glasses on his face even when he didn't need them. And his eyes still shined redly like you just looked into the flames of hell, which was funny because the flames of hell were actually blue.

Just like Tommy's eyes which now tried to find their back way to you.

Quackity, Foolish and the other guy now arrived right behind you, looking down at the two British men, standing in front of a big red truck you didn't notice when you spotted them.

The fast pace of your heart beating inside your chest stopped as fast as it started. You didn't even hear it beating anymore, all of your senses got crazy and you could not move a single muscle.

"Wilbur from L'Manberg! Look, there he is! I told you!", the slime guy told Quackity way too excited over him being back. There was no reason to be excited that he was back. The only emotion that would've been plausible for this situation was surprisement and anger, but to your surprise only the second thing was going through the air. None of the men next to you were surprised that Wilbur was standing there, alive and not dead.

Why weren't they surprised? Shouldn't they have been that?

Wait, didn't Foolish refer to Wilbur as "he's here" earlier? Did that mean that he had been here to Las Nevadas before?


Did that mean Wilbur has been back alive for a longer time? And you did not know that?

How could that even be possible? You couldn't bring people back from the dead. How could he be standing there?

You definitely weren't crazy, the others saw him too.

"What do you want here?" Quackity's voice brought you back to reality. You now weren't the only one looking down at the two, not being so pleased about them. "What do you think I want here? Saying hello to my good old friend, Y/n! Heard she's a part of your country now, Quackity!", Wilbur shouted back at him, still grinning like an idiot.

Good old friend?

Excuse you? You couldn't remember being a good friend of his after what he has done.

"I am not your friend neither am I a part of Las Nevadas", you spit out, loudly enough for him to hear that. You could feel Quackity's eyes on you when you said that. He seemed confused, almost like he wanted to disagree with you.

"Aww, c'mon, Y/n! Don't be mad at me! We're friends!" You shook your head and looked at Tommy. "The only friend I see is Tommy", you said, leaving the men and then walking down the hill to approach the blonde boy. "Hey, Tommy. You don't know how fucking good it is to see you!" You put on a small smile, pretending to ignore Wilbur as he was following you with his eyes. As soon as you were close to Tommy, he hugged you. "Oh, Y/n! It's so fucking good to see you", he said, breaking apart from the hug, looking at you with a smile before you threw your eyes back to Wilbur. He was not making a single noise while looking at you. He just continued smiling like nothing happened. Meanwhile, Tommy in front of you almost fell into himself. Something was coming from him, but you couldn't tell what it was. "I.. I wanted to tell you, Y/n, but I.. I couldn't. Will and me, we were.. We were just hanging around", the young boy told you, being slightly nervous at how you would react, but you didn't care about that.

Deja Vu | c!Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now