1. Peppermints Fading

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She entered the room

and sniffed an old familiar smell

the scent of peppermint

trying to cover up a dirty ashtray

She knew he was somewhere home

She yelled...

"I can't breathe!"

He tried to ignore her 

trying to create a fight

So she yelled once more

He was good at denying

But an evident smell proved he smoked somewhere

They argued over this for years

He tried to get away from this addiction

from all sources of help

But it was so uncontrollable

Her yells became stronger

He got tired of them

He chewed on peppermints

He sprayed them around

But still, he couldn't detach from the spell

of burning himself into ashes

risking his health

For months, he laid on his bed

saying cigarette smoking goodbye

She never left his side

For he was a good man, though he had this vice

and when his time was over

He had a good fight

She held him in her arms

and kissed him good night

His breath was gone

No more rancid smell

His presence still lingers

though peppermints...


~P.S. Life's precious! Stop Smoking~!


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