36 Reflection on May 27th

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The power of every woman over themselves can't be fathomed by mere human understanding. I often wondered how and where, the women I admired, drew their strength from until I became a woman myself.

We have the superpower within us and we just have to decode the ways we could unleash them. We don't need to be as powerful as the famous and wealthy, but in our own little ways, our power to safeguard our family, as well as ourselves, can be manifested, especially at this time of pandemic.

I once thought I was weak and totally dependent on the elders around me, but when the threats of Covid19 came and that I was the only one, my family could rely on, I was able to unleash that power and carry on with our lives even after the death of my father.

My mom went through a lot, she used to be a strong woman, who had raised me, and now that she is quite devastated with the unbearable sorrow of death and in the midst of the pandemic, I am playing a major role in reviving her with my God-given strength.

I believe most of us do, I also get down on my knees at times, when times get tough and risky, but the passion that we have for our profession ignites the fire of the strong-willed woman in us.

Though times like this, uncertain and could fill us with fear, a woman like me should be strong and protect my mental health so I could protect the ones around me. I have resorted to a lot of things to cope up with stress, some of them were binge-watching dramas and going back to an old hobby that I always love. This old hobby was related to a catchy part of the afternoon session I was listening to, writing creative journals.

In my younger days, I used to maintain creative journal notebooks where my poems, experiences, and unspeakable emotions were written. I bled my thoughts on ink and pieces of paper, but when I started living my career, I left this hobby, but without saying goodbye.

It's so timely that I was multi-tasking this afternoon, listening to a webinar, and at the same time, updating my journals. But with my busy life now, I couldn't make it as artistic as before. I could only write simple words but the emotions, hidden behind them are deep.

Releasing emotional stress through writing creative journals makes one productive, your imagination can go beyond different dimensions. It makes us have a deeper awareness of ourselves, our strengths, and our weaknesses.

It's readily available with just your thoughts with you, your paper and your pen. It's actually cost-efficient.

I believe that creative journals are still powerful in touching other lives and in making you love yourself more, especially if they come from the depths of a strong woman's heart.

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