Chapter 4 - Drunk mate

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Alexandra's pov

Frypan carried me on his back towards the hammocks and he set me down and then sat me on his lap and my other mates joined and sat around us.

"So how old are you all?" I said smiling leaning against Frypan.

"I'm sixteen" Thomas said

"I'm also sixteen" Frypan said

"Also sixteen" Newt said

"I'm seventeen" Minho said 

(I know in Fever Code, Minho is introduced as a ten-year-old boy fighting some nurses, I don't know how old he is in the film but I searched and it came up with seventeen so I put seventeen)

"I'm sixteen as well" Gally said

(I know in the film he is fifteen but I changed him to sixteen because Alexandra is sixteen)

"That's cool" I said and smiled

"How old are you?" Newt said

"Well I don't remember silly but I'll let you know once I remember" I said and winked at him

"But I am guessing I am around sixteen but who knows?" I said

"Thomas?" I said

"Yes Princess?" Thomas said

"I don't remember yet but I feel like I know you. You seem very familiar to me, your name, your face and everything about you just feels familiar to me" I said

"I'm not sure maybe it will come back to you soon and then you an tell me" Thomas said 

I nodded and smiled.

"Do you think one day we will leave this place?" I said

"I'm not sure because it is pretty safe here and we have everything we need here" Gally said

"Well even if we end up staying here, I have you guys and you'll never leave me right?" I said

"Of course we'll stay by your side forever I promise" Thomas said

"We'll never leave your side and even if we have to, we won't be gone for long" Frypan said

"We'll always have each other" Gally said

"I'll never leave you baby, you're stuck with me" Newt said and held my hand

"You are our one and only and now we have found you, we can't imagine life without you" Minho said

I smiled and leaned.

"What did you think when I first showed up in the box?" I said

"Well we were confused at the start as you an see there is only boys here and your the only girl but we were happy to find you" Minho said and stroked my cheek.

"We didn't think we'd ever meet you" Newt said

"I thought I would die before we would meet you. I also thought you were the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen." Frypan said

"I am scared, we just met you and I don't ever want to lose you" Thomas said

"Your the only one who gets to see my soft side and these guys when they are with you but elsewhere I am back to being strict and I would miss you to much to lose you" Gally said

"You guys will never lose me, I promise. I just guess you guys are stuck with me losers" I said

"Hey I got a joke" I said 

"Entertain us baby" Newt said

"Why was six afraid of seven?" I said smiling

"I don't know, why was six afraid of seven?" Frypan said still holding me on his lap.

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