Chapter 25 - The city

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Alexandra's pov

We have been driving since the early morning and now it is like just before middle of the day and we were all sat down happily in our seats. Fry was still driving, Thomas was in the passenger seat and Newt and I were in the back. I was cuddled in his lap. I looked out the window to see the abandoned lonely countryside. If there were no cranks or flare virus I would say its pretty here and maybe star gaze one night with my mates.

I saw abandoned cars everywhere and barbed wire as we pulled up. Fry parked the car in front of a dark tunnel. The boys got out and Newt helped me out and I kissed his cheek. He held my hand. We looked at the dark tunnel. He looked back at Thomas.

"You want us to go in there?" Newt said looking at him.

"I don't want to come across to negative. But if I was a crank, that's exactly where I would be." Newt said

"I don't think we have much of a choice" Thomas said pulling out the map and looking at it.

We just stood there and looked at it. Newt licked his teeth and I stared lustfully and then snapped out of it. He saw me looking and winked and smirked.

"Alright, I'll get the shot gun" Newt said pulling me along with him. 

We all got back in the car. I made sure the boot was locked properly and that the windows were locked nicely. I held my gun tightly. I am making sure that none of these damn cranks bite or scratch them us being immune or not. I am the only one who can bite and scratch my mates. Too much Alex. No one needed to know that but I bet you secretly wanted too.

Spoiler alert

I know Newt is not immune but I made him like that for this story because I don't want him dying later. Sorry for the spoiler for those who have not watched the films.

"You look hot with a gun" Newt whispered to me

"So do you, now focus mister and seduce me later" I said and smirked

He smirked and nodded and we both watched out for any cranks holding our guns tightly. We watched as the car bumped and heard it splash through the water.

(I know in this scene Newt sits in the front but I changed so he's sitting in the back. Thomas is still sitting in the passenger seat but doesn't get bit neither does Alex, Fry or Newt).

"Here we go" Fry said

"Just take it slow" Newt said as Thomas held the light out the window.

Am I little scared? Yes. Will I admit that to my mates? No. Do they already know that without me telling them? Yes. How? They know me better than I know myself sometimes and vice versa. Am I going to let them get hurt? No. The only person that can bite them or scratch them is? Me. Alright, let's go Alex.

We saw cars all up ahead and I'm betting there are some cranks here. We slowly drove past all the cars watching out for any cranks.

"Woah woah woah woah woah" Fry said and stopped the car and we all looked at the crank

It kept coughing and twitching. Man calm down. Stupid crank. Fry, Newt, and I all looked at Thomas on what to do next.

"It's okay, its just one. Take it slow, go round him" Thomas said

"It'll be fine" Thomas said

"Take it slow" Fry said nervously and scaredly

"Take it slow" He said

Thomas rolled up the window and Newt rolled up ours. Thank fuck. I don't feel safe here at all with cranks in here but I feel a little safer then I did two seconds ago. We just sat there for a minute and then Thomas turned around and jumped which made Fry jump and Newt and I jump. Newt pulled me close. We saw a woman and she was shaking.

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