Chapter 18 - Cranks

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Thomas's pov

 I rushed back into my room. I busted the vent open and crawled out.

"Thomas" Minho said as they all stood up.

"What's up?" Minho said

"We got to go. We got to go. Right now" I said pushing past everyone

"What are you talking about?" Minho said

"What do you mean we got to go?" Newt said

"They're coming, they're coming right now. They're coming for us" I said loudly and panicked grabbing anything and everything to barricade the doors.

"Aris what happened?" Fry said to him while he was frozen

"Thomas can you just calm down? Talk to us" Newt said to me while I was still barricading the door

"She's still alive" I said

"Who's she Teresa? Alex?" Fry said

"Ava" I said rushing out

"Ava? Will you just turn around and talk to us?" Newt said

"It's WCKD" I shouted turning around

"It's still WCKD, its always been WCKD" I said as they all looked at me.

"Thomas? What did you see?" Newt said

I told them everything quickly and they helped me barricade the doors. Then Aris quickly got in the vents and we all followed after him quickly escaping. I quickly jumped out walking forwards then back to them.

"Come on, come on, come on" I said

"Let's go, let's go" I said

"You guys go ahead there's something I got to do" Aris said

"What are you talking about?" I said

"Trust me its important, you guys want to get out of here right?" Aris said

"Just go" Aris said

"I'll go with him" Winston said

"Okay Winston go, come on, come on" I said

"Are you sure we can trust this kid?" Winston said

"You don't want to know where we would be without him. He is also one of Alex's mates. He would never hurt us or Alex because he loves her. We also need to save Alex and then Teresa" I said as we ran round the corner.

We came face to face with Dr. Crawford. Oh shit.

"What are you kids doing out?" She said

The alarms went off and we looked at each other and then here. Double shit. She looked like she was going to run, so we grabbed her. We ran down the hallway and corridor with her. We went to round a corner a man came shooting at us. 

"Freeze, stop where you are" The man said 

We ran the other way. 

"Why is he shooting at us?" Fry said

We all stopped when Minho stopped. 

"Minho" I shouted

"What the hell you doing?" I shouted

"Minho" I shouted

Minho ran at the wall and smashed into the man smashing him into the man and the man fell unconscious. We all ran to them.

"Shit Minho" Newt said

I grabbed the man's gun. We held it to Dr. Crawford back and she took us too the east wing. We burst open the door.

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