Chapter 20 - Marcus

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Thomas's pov

I helped her lift the vent up. It was heavy. We were straining and then finally threw it over. We heard some hellish animalistic sounds.

"Well that doesn't sound good" I said and we looked at each other.

"Yeah down here, they'll be full term. Let's go" She said breathing and sniffling heavy before she jumped down

I jumped down after her. She crouched down the tunnel and pointed her torch in front of her walking and I followed after her. We made it out the short tunnel. We saw a long passageway. We heard long whooshy sounds. We looked both ways.

"I think its this way" She said turning right

"You think?" I said concerned

We kept walking down the dark tunnels.

"So what about Jorge? He your father?" I said

"Close enough. Truth is I don't really know, he's just always been there. I've always done what he's asked me to no matter how stupid." She said

"So you don't think the Right Arm's real?" I said 

She was about to respond when we heard a loud distant screeching from behind us and we looked back and pointed our flashlights.

"I think hope is a dangerous thing" She said cautiously looking in front of her

"Hope has killed more of my friends than the full power of the scorch combined. Just thought Jorge was smarter than that." Brenda said

We kept walking and stop to look at the graffiti on the wall.

"Damn" She said

We looked and observed it but kept walking. I walked down another bit and saw a light at the end.

"Hey I think it might be this way" I said looking back.

"Brenda?" I said worried

No response

"Brenda?" I said

"Over here" She said

"Look at this" She said pointing her flashlight

"What? What is it?" I said

We walked down and saw black slimy like vines all on the wall and it was breathing almost as if was alive. It kept moving.

"The hell is this?" I said

"I don't know" Brenda said

We heard a screech from beside us and we quickly turned our torches to the tunnel beside us. We heard more screeching. Then we saw a mouse wait no I think a rat pop out and we breathed heavily in relief. It moved towards Brenda and she kicked it.

"Uggh" She said

The mouse moved downwards and we followed it with our eyes. It kept moving and then a hand reached out and snatched it and we almost shit ourselves. We jumped back scared. We saw something come out the wall and rip the rodents head off and eat it. Then we saw more coming out and of the wall and began to panic. They started coming out from everywhere. We started to move backwards and then one came in front of us nearing closer and closer. I grabbed something from Brenda's bag and hit the little shit. Then it screeched and they all looked at us and started coming closer. We started running for our lives.

"Come on, keep going" I shouted

We made it to the end of the tunnel and stopped when we were on the edge of the building. There was nowhere to go but up.

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