chapter five

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*Yeji's POV*

My alarm ringed so I woked up and couldn't reach it because Ryujin was lying on me.

I changed positions and it wakes her up "goodmorning" I said and she wrapped her arms around my neck "goodmorning too" she said and I pecked her lips.

I looked at her mark on her neck and let my finger roam over it "don't tell me you got a bit carried away from our makeout yesterday.." she said and I smirked at her "I got, just a bit. But a hickey on you looks good, baby" I said and she looked at me "just a bit? Or do I need to cover my whole neck?" She asked me and I laughed a bit "no, it's just one hickey, baby. Let's get up and make breakfast for all of us?" I get the both of us up and grab her hand.

We just walked to Siyeon's room and see them still sleeping.

Siyeon and Chaeryeong was still sleeping, noticing this, Siyeon was in her arms, the blanket more on Siyeon so Ryu and I saw that Chaer only was wearing a tshirt and boxer briefs.

When we had sport in school, she never changed her bottom part because she is shy to change infront of the girls of our class, so I'm kinda happy that she is comfortable to be like this here or more like with Siyeon because it seems like that Siyeon don't feel uncomfortable.

"We should wake them up when we're done with doing breakfast" I said and she nod.

We let the door a bit open and walked downstairs, walking to the kitchen "what should we do?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulder.

"Maybe sandwiches?" I asked "that sound good" she said and we grabbed the things and started to do some sandwiches.

Siyeon and Chaeryeong walked downstairs, already in their school uniform.

I let go of Ryujin and walked to Siyeon and hugged her "had a good sleep?" I asked and she nodded, being still tired "yeah, Chaer Unnie is a really good cuddle partner, Unnie" she said and it was cute "she is a good cuddle partner? Should she sleepover more often here?" I asked in a tease and she pouted "only if she is fine with it. But Chaer Unnie will pick me up from school today and we go to her house, so no need to worry when I won't be home after school" she said and I ruffled her hair "yeah, it's okay" I said and let go of her.

I walked back to Ryu "is that a hickey on Ryujin Unnie's neck? Are you and Ryujin Unnie together, Yeji Unnie?" My little sister looked at us.

Ryujin and I looked at each other and then back to my sister. I just hugged Ryu from behind and nod at her "yes, we're together, Siyeonie" I said and see that she is happy for us.

"Yes, after months" she was happily jumping and I looked at Ryu "well.. maybe your sister already knew before someone else that I have feelings for you.." she scratched her not so itchy neck and I turned her around.

I pecked her lips and looked at her "so, you and Siyeonie are already a bit closer then you both acted? And the teasing yesterday?" I asked them or more like Ryujin.

"Well, yes.. I didn't want you to think I have feeling for your sister or something and ignore me because of this, so we acted like we're just friends that don't know each other well" Ryu said and I got both of them in my arms "my two little baby's. You're too, Chaeryeong, come here" I said and she walked to us, hugging us too.

We pulled away and I put the plates on the dining table "Chaer, Siyeon, you can already start eating. Ryu and I gonna change" I said and Siyeon smirked "yeah, 'changing' or you gonna mark Ryu unnie more?" She teased but it didn't get me blush, but it got Ryu's cheek red "maybe I do both, we will see" I said and put my hand on Ryu's waist, walking upstairs.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now