chapter seventeen

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*no ones POV*

You was already awake and in the bathroom because you got a call for a shop.

You would need to work there from 6pm to 12am. You didnt really like the time to work, but you need to. You want to help your older sister with the bills and want to gain your own money without asking Yeji all the time.

Your now boss ended the call and is happy to see you later. You walk out of the bathroom and Chaeryeong is awake, lying in your bed still under the covers.

"Hey, why are you awake already?" She ask you, leaning on her elbows and look at you.

You smile at her and sit on her lap, hugging her tight and being happy for your now job "my boss called me. I asked for a job and she said I can come there today and start" you say against her neck and she smile at you, happy that you got a job.

"When do you need to be there?" She ask you and cup your cheeks, looking in your eyes. She never saw you this happy before.

"From 6pm till 12am" you told her and she frown a bit "till night? Where is it? I bring you and pick you up every day you need to work" she said and you nod.

You told her the address. You both look at each other for a long time. It was silent, the silence that you both like.

You hug her tight again and she hug you back, kissing your cheek and neck.

"What should I wear for work?" You ask her.

She is thinking about something too, and got an idea.

"You have maybe suitpants or something like that? It's your first day, on the first day you need to wear something really nice" she said and you nod and got up from her lap, walking to your wardrobe and get out suitpants and a white shirt.

You show it to her and she nod her head "that's good. Wear it for your first day. It makes a good expression" she told you and stood up.

⚠️(little mature content)

She pull you to her by your hip and got your cloths out of your hands and throw them on your chair.

"We still have hours left" she said and got you up. You wrap your arms around her neck and look down at you.

"What are your plans?" You ask her shyly and she smile at you. She walk to the bed and lie you on it.

She hover over you and look in your eyes. You still wear your skirt and she roam her hand over your thigh, going a bit up and look at you lovingly.

Your breath fastened at her moves and you arch your back a bit, what Chaeryeong likes to see.

She slowly lean in and you close your eyes, wrapping your legs around her waist and pull her a bit closer that her bulge is against your crotch. You felt her bulge poking you more, and a moan leaves your lips.

She moves her hips sometimes against your womanhood and kiss down your neck, sucking at your sensitive spot.

"Chaeryeong." You moan lowly in her ear, not wanting someone to hear you except Chaeryeong.

She look at you, seeing you arch your back, head throwing back into your neck and eyes closed, mouth slightly open and your breath heavy. She smirk at you and start to kiss your neck again and go down to your collarbone.

You put your hand in her hair and push her a bit more down to your stomach, but she was going more down and kiss your thighs, pushing up your skirt and marking your hips.

Soft whispers leaving your lips when she suck on your skin. Her gaze went up to you, her hand under your hoodie that you changed into yesterday.

"Can I?" She ask you softly, but her voice deep, and it turns you on even more.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now