chapter nine

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Yeji's POV*

Ryujin and I let Chaeryeong and Siyeon sleep so we could go to the mall to get some things, some sweets or other things.

We paid for everything and walked out. Our house is just 5mins away from this little mall so Ryujin and I walked.

"I'm so hungry" Ryujin said and I laughed at her "when we're home, we will cook and eat together with the other girls.

We are almost home and it seems like the door to my house is open "did we forgot to close the door, baby?" I ask her.

"No, I closed the door. It even clicked when I closed it" she said and grab my hand, i think she got a bit scared "everything will be fine" I said and she calmed a bit down.

We arrived in my street now, and I heard little screams and cries, but I'm not sure if they're real.

We go closer and I looked at Ryu "isnt that.. Siyeon?" She ask me worried "let's see" i said and we walked in.

Chaeryeong lied on the ground, unconscious with a little wound on her head.

"H-Hyunjin.. please stop.. I cant b-breath.." it was Siyeon and I looked at Ryu "please take care of Chaeryeong, baby" I said and runned upstairs.

I tried to open the door but this place of shit locked it "stop.. Hyunjin.." she begged him and it got me more mad.

I run multiple times against the door with my shoulder till the lockers break and I opened the door.

Hyunjin was raping her, again and choking her too.

I pushed him away so he fall on the ground.

"You little peace of shit" I shouted at him and punched him in the face.

"Get out, now! I dont want to see your fucking face. And when i see you one time again, close to my sister, I'll beat the shit out of you" I threatened him and he got his pants up and stood up with the blood running down his nose.

I kicked him in the back making him groan "I said get out you peace of shit" I shouted at him and grabbed him by his hair.

I walked out with him and pushed him out our front door "what goes in your mind? I thought you're a good boy towards my sister but look what youre doing to her. I hope she wont see you again" I said and closed the door.

Ryujin was taking care of Chaeryeong on our couch so I walked up again and closed the door behind me.

I sit down beside her and pulled her in my arms caressing her bare back.

I don't care if she is naked right now, she needs to get comfort and that from her big sister now.

"I'm sorry that I came late, baby" I whisper to her and started to cry a bit too.

"I'm sorry that I wasnt here for you" I feel that she hug me tight and bury her face in my neck.

"I-I'm scared.. unnie.." she sobbed out and make my neck wet "I know, but I'm here now, I will protect you, we all gonna protect you, baby. Pssh calm a bit down" I whispered and put my hand on the back of her head and put the cover over her body.

She calmed a bit down but was still sobbing "pssh we should get you dressed, and then we gonna do something. Just the two of us, what do you think about it?" I ask her and she looked at me "what are we going to do?" She asked me and I smiled a bit at her "what ever the baby wants to do" i said and wiped her tears away.

She sit up and hold the blanket over her body while I walk to her wardrobe to get her undergarments and a hoodie with a sweatpants.

"Here, I will wait outside so you wont be uncomfortable" I put her clothes on her bed beside her and walked out the door, closing it behind me.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now