chapter eighteen

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*Chaeryeong POV*

I woke up at the sound of the alarm of my phone. I look at the girl that I love the most and she was still sleeping with a small smile on her face.

I wake her softly up and she look at me, rubbing her eyes cutely.

"What were you dreaming? You was smiling, baby" I ask her and she got a bit shy.

"Us.. we had a little family together, Chaery. That's what I dreamt.." she told me and i giggle at the imagine how tiny Siyeons walk around the house.

"That's really cute, baby" she nod and peck my lips "I want to have kids in the future, Chaery" she told me and lean on her hand, smiling lovingly at me.

"Okay, then you gonna have kids in the future" I said.

"You don't? I want them with you. You would be a great mommy" she said and make circles on my collarbone.

"I want them with you, I didnt mean to sound like I dont want to. And you would be a great mommy too, beautiful angel. They will pretty just like you, or handsome" she start to blush and smile "don't just say that, they will be beautiful and handsome like you too, Chaeryeongie" she said and I smile "but you're the prettiest. Now let's get ready, we have a big day to go. And I need to tell Yeji about it" I told her and she nod.

I got her up from me and lie her down on the bed, towering over her and look at her "what do you want to wear?" I ask her and she shrug her shoulders "just give me whatever you want" she said and I nod and get her things out to wear.

I get her a hoodie and sweatpants and walk back so I can change her into other clothes.

I kneel on my bed and pull her closer to me by her legs and she giggle "I'm going to change your clothes now, baby" she nod and sit up and get her tshirt over her head so I help her get into the new and fresh warm hoodie.

I pull the shorts down that she was wearing only to see some new blood stains in the boxer briefs and I look at her "you were bleeding again, princess" I told her softly and her face got red.

"Sorry, because those are your boxers..." she apologise and I just shake my head and give her a kiss on her lips "it's okay, it's not your fault, my girl. We get your panties and those boxers in an little bag as proof and you'll get fresh underwear from me" she nodded and pull the boxers down and gave them to me.

I take them and lie them to the panties that she was wearing yesterday and that are full of blood.

Someone knocked on the door, so I put the blanket over Siyeon's hip and down to her knees and sit on the bed with her and a fresh new boxer briefs.

"Yes, come in" i said and Mom and Chaeyeon walked in and looked at Siyeon.

"We wanted to say that we drive the both of you to the police station and where they check on Siyeon. And is this blood from Siyeon?" Eomma asked and I nod at her "yes, they raped her so hard that she was bleeding. Not just her panties, but also a bit more in the boxer briefs that she wore from me" I told her and they nod.

"Okay, then get ready now and we gonna drive you" Eomma said and walked out of my room with Chaeyeon and I look at Siyeon who was crying again.

I put the boxer briefs on her and lean over to her and look down to her "are you scared, princess?" I ask and she nod and close her eyes.

I lie down to pull her on me and have her in my embrace "you don't need to. They just check up on you, I got the videos that the camera in your job caught and show them to the police and everything. And then Hyunjin and Felix are arrested and in jail" I explain to her and she nod while sobbing.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now