chapter fifteen

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*Siyeon's POV*

I slowly woke up with no one in my arms, without Chaeryeong in my room.

I first stretched myself and then sit up, removing my blanket off my body and stood up to grab my phone.

I unlock it and see a massege from Chaeryeong.

Chaery❤: goodmorning, beautiful girl. I'm out with a friend, sorry to not wake up with you together. I already bought you some things and, see you later? Love you❤💋

I smiled at the text massege she sent me, so I called her and she answered after a few seconds.

"Hey, beautiful. Did you had a good sleep?" She asked and it sound like she is smoking, and its really loud in the background.

"Yes I did. Are you skipping school?" I ask and sit on my bed again.

"Um, yes. Sorry, baby, but I sometimes just don't want to go to school" she answered and it got me a little mad.

"You shouldn't skip school, chaery. It's not good" I said and she was quiet for a bit.

"Yes, I know. I'm really sorry, baby. I will stop doing it, it will start tomorrow, okay?" She ask and I hear that she is smiling.

"Okay. With who are you right now?" I ask her.

"I'm with my guy best friend right now" she said and it got me curious who he is.

"Who is he?" I ask quietly, a little shy to ask.

"Felix, Lee Felix" she said and I know who he is.

He is the best friend of Hyunjin, and the one who raped me too.

"Are you okay, princess?" Chaeryeong asked me, and I got a bit scared.

"Yes, I-I need to go now" I said and end the call quickly.

I text lia if we can hang out with Yuna together, because our school is closed for today and I'm suspended, so we have time.

I wear some clothes and blocked Chaeryeong's contact because I think it's not good to hang out with her when her best friend is a raper.

I walk downstairs and sit on the couch in the livingroom, being on my phone and wait till the girls arrive.

The doorbell ringed and I stood up, grabbing my jacket and shoes and got them on, opening the door to greet the girls.

"Hey Unnie, hey Yuna" I said and hugged both of them.

I got my keys and walk out the house and locking it.

"Soo, we go to the arcade today" lia said and Yuna and I was excited for it.

"Yees" yuna and I shout and sit in Lia's car.

I sit in the backseat in the middle, while Yuna sit in the passenger seat.

"Unnie, turn on some music" I said and look at Lia Unnie.

She turn on some music to what Yuna and I sing to, and it reminds me on Chaeryeong because she sang me to sleep with this song sometimes.

I stopped singing and look out the window "is everything okay, Siyeon?" Lia asked and I look at her "I just thought about someone" I said and looked out the window again to avoid some stupid looks in their faces.

"Who is this someone?" Yuna asks and I smiled a bit and started to blush too.

"Chaeryeongie" I said and start to be shy.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now