chapter eleven

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*Siyeon's POV*

I woke up at almost 6 am, feeling that my throat is dry and I'm feeling cold, maybe that's because Chaeryeong isnt holding me anymore.

She was awake, on her phone, the light of her phone wasnt bright.

"Unnie" I said and she looked at me.

She put her phone down and came closer to me "yes, do you need something?" She asked and I nod.

"Can you maybe bring me a glass of water? And cuddle me after? Because I feel really cold.." I told her and she stood up "everything else?" She ask before walking out.

I shake my head and she walked out of my room.

She let her phone on and I could easily look with who she is texting right now, but its her private thing, so I didnt looked at it.

*Chaeryeong's POV*

I walked downstairs and see that Siyeon's friends are still here with Yeji and Ryujin.

They sit in the livingroom and are drinking a bit, not too much but just a bit, having music playing in the background and talking.

"Why are y'all still awake?" I ask them from the kitchen.

What I didnt notice was that I was just in my boxer briefs and a tshirt.

I got a glass and put water in it and walked to the livingroom to get some extra blankets for Siyeon.

"Talking a bit. Why are you awake?" Yeji asked me.

"I couldn't sleep. And Siyeon just woke up, I get upstairs now" I said and walked upstairs.

I opened the door to see Siyeon asleep, again.

I really dont want to wake her up. She looks so cute and, you could just hug her by how cute she looks.

I sit down on the bed and crossed my legs a bit.

I put the blankets beside me on the bed and bent a bit towards Siyeon and wake her softly up "Yeonie, wake up. I got you your water and some extra blankets, and you wanted cuddles" I said softly.

She have her eyes closed, but smiled. Then she slowly open her eyes and sit up.

I bent more towards her and put the glass of water infront of her mouth.

She gently hold it too and started to drink a bit, pulling it away from her mouth after a few sips.

I put it on the nightstand and put another blanket over her when she lied down again.

"Better? Warmer?" I ask her and she shake her head "what do you need more?" I ask her again.

"The only thing I need now too, are cuddles.  Your embrace is warm and comfortable, that's the only thing I need, Unnie" she said and I smiled at her.

I lie down beside her and opened my arms for her to lie in it.

She put her head on my chest and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and hold her close and wrap her in her blanket a bit more.

She start to fall asleep again, and knowing that she find my embrace warm and comfortable makes me really happy.

I fall asleep too after some time and enjoyed having the girl I love in my arms.

*Yeji's POV*

"We really need to get Chaeryeong and Siyeon together" Ryujin said.

She is currently sitting on my lap, talking with Siyeon's friends "we should. They look really good together" Lia said.

inlove with my friends sister (g!p) Lee Chaeryeong x Hwang Siyeon (fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now