Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy

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Finishing my food, I continue driving while thinking about all that I've read. There are so many more questions after reading my father's journal. He loved me and wanted me, but being on the run kept him from being a part of my life. This man was right there across the water. He saw me and cared about me before he even knew I was his.

I wish I'd met him just once. Why didn't mom ever tell me about my dad? She loved him. I know that for a fact, but she loves Jack too. I know they have a great relationship, he's a good man, a wonderful provider, and an excellent father to me.

Maybe my real dad knew we were happy, and that's why he never contacted me when I got older. Joe knew Jack, and he mentioned him in his journal, so he must know mom is happy with him.

That must be hard for my father because he seemed to care for mom a great deal. He wanted her to come live with him, but she refused just to stay near me.

I feel guilty about that, but how could we have lived a normal life, always on the run.

I say to myself, "Maybe that was my father at the wedding. It could have been Donald Millhouse, but either way, my father tried to show me he cared for us."

That must have been him. Who else would give her all of that money? He still cared for her, even though she was marrying someone else that day. Now that is true love.

"So, if Dave and Paul lived next door when I was in college, then where did my father go? Did he send them to watch over us? He must have, and I need to find out the truth. What was he up to?" I ask myself.

I'll never forget the night Dave saved me. Maybe that is a part of all of this too. I've always wondered what that strange situation was all about. Why did Mr. Evans apologize to me that night?

Remembering back to the night, the doorbell rings and I go to answer it. Looking out the peephole, I saw it was David from next door. I remember thinking, Mom is always trying to get me to spend time with him, but he's older and I just was not ready for another relationship.

I did not know how much older Dave was back then, just figured he was an old soul, acting much more grown-up than his years.

"Hey David, how are you?" I asked while smiling at this handsome man.

Dave was so gorgeous with his dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. He always seemed so honorable. David always dressed so nicely, and the man is still very attractive to this day. He was all muscle and seemed so structured. Now I know why.

I don't think he knows how handsome he is, and that makes him even more attractive.

"Good Amy, I just wanted to check on you before I went home. Everything okay?" He asked with that perfect smile.

At the time I wished there was a problem because I would have loved for him to stay and hang out with me, but I didn't want to seem needy.

"Yup, everything is great," I answered.

He then asked, "You seem down, are you okay, Amy? I can visit for a while."

"No, that's alright. I'm fine. I think there are a few shows on TV tonight, so I'm just going to relax and watch the boob tube." I explained while lying through my teeth.

Why couldn't I just be honest with him and ask him to stay? He seemed willing to do so that night.

"Okay, well, I'll head out then. Just call me or Grandma May, if you need anything. Alright, well, goodnight Amy, I'll see you tomorrow." Dave said, and I just nodded and smiled as he walked down the steps.

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