Prologue - Jay

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Walking in my front door, after being home for a few months, I feel free and ready to take on the world. The lights are out; the mail is in a pile on the floor and the place is empty, for now. It's moving-in day, and my tenants will be here soon enough.

This is my first year of law school, so three more years, and then I'm done. After I receive my law degree, dad will make me a partner in the family business. Part of me wants to break out on my own, but I owe my father so much. He's a good man, we have a great relationship and this may only be a stepping stone. My father told me that once I get my feet wet, he is fine with me looking around at other firms. Dad said this for my benefit, but I still appreciated him for leaving the door open.

When he's ready to retire, the Godewyn firm will be my inheritance. My father has told me many times how grandfather built this for him and when I'm ready, he will step aside.

That's the man he is. Everything he does in life is for Elizabeth, me, and mom.

This old Victorian house, for instance, has been in my family for years and he never even thought twice about having me live here instead of on campus.

"It's the prettiest one on the street," Dad said proudly.

The house has four huge bedrooms suites, so I rent out three to other students here at SU. Living right down the road from the college. There is never a problem finding new tenants. She's in great shape. It almost paid for, and my neighbors are the Kappa girls.

I love this place and my life could not be much better.

As I go to turn the lights on, nothing works and the power is off. After checking the fuse box, all seems good and I'm confused. I walk back out and see Susie sunbathing on the lawn.

Funny, she wasn't there a minute ago.

Strolling over to her, I ask, "Hello lovely lady, did you want me to put some lotion on your back?"

Sue turns over, then lowers her sunglasses and says, "My lord, Jacob Goodwin, you get more handsome every time I see you. Yes please, that would be wonderful."

Taking the lotion from the basket, I slowly rub it between my hands and then carefully apply it all over her back. Moving lower, she softly moans as I massage her back and buttocks area. Hearing some giggles, I look up as Sandy and Kim come to walk out in their bikinis, too.

"Hello Jacob, you're back! We've missed you!" Kim says sweetly, as Sandy walks up and kisses me hard on the lips.

She then says, "Thank God, you're here. I need some help up in my room."

The other girls glare at her and Kim adds, "No, you guys. I need his help with my bed. The headboard is broken and..."

Susie turns over and says, "Because it bangs up against the wall too often ... You just want the first crack at him, and in case you didn't notice, he's rubbing my back right now."

Seeing this turn into a competition, I explain, "Ladies, today is the first day back. We have three years to enjoy each other's company, so let's not start out fighting. The reason I stopped over was to ask if you have power because mine's out."

Sandy answers, "Yes, we have power. You don't? That's strange."

I just nod and then finish up my task.

Wiping my hands off, I state, "Okay, well, I better find out what's going on. I'll see you all later."

As the three girls smile and say goodbye, I make my way back to the porch. Looking in the mailbox, I notice a letter from the electric company saying final notice right on the envelope.

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