Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal

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Later that night, after we had finished our ribs and pork sandwiches, we kicked back, relax, and watched some TV. Saturday Night live is on and one of my favorite actors was hosting tonight. I was looking forward to watching this, but it's even better on a big screen TV. We had a tiny one at the dorm, and it was Dan's. He bought it himself, and I didn't want to outdo him by buying a larger one. That got smashed, along with his stereo during the break-in.

Little Susie pipes up and says, "Did you know he's from Syracuse? That man is very good-looking. You know, Cal, you look a lot like him. You're so tall, dark and so very handsome."

Funny, no one has ever compared me to him.

As she crawls up onto my lap. I'm feeling uncomfortable. Then I look over at the guys as they just sit there smiling and nodding at me. Why do I have a feeling I'm about to get initiated into the house? Dan just starts chuckling and smiles knowingly too.

"Susie, would you like to go upstairs with me?" I ask, figuring she will turn me down in front of Brett, but I'm shocked by her answer.

"I thought you would never ask!" She exclaims while grabbing my hand, pulling me off the couch, and then up the stairs.

All I hear is laughter from my new "friends" and my old roommate.

We enter my room and she slinks up onto my new bed. As I stand there for a moment, thinking about what I will do to her, she just stares longingly, waiting for me to join her. In my mind, I wonder how far she will go. What buttons do I need to push with her and then what will she do for me in return?

Shutting the door, I go to work on her body, bending it to my will. Seeing how long it will take for her to beg me to stop. This will be rather fun for me, it's been quite a while since I've been with a regular girl, I think to myself.

The next morning, I come downstairs and find Brett, Jacob, and Dan at the kitchen table, watching the news and reading the paper. Walking over to the coffee pot, I'm unnoticed as I pull out a mug for some well-needed caffeine. I pour a cup and then take a seat at the table.

I see the guys and say, "Morning."

They all start laughing hysterically. Then I realize they may have heard us last night. I chuckle too as they shake my hand. Jacob pats me on the back and smiles.

"Ok, we have to know. What the hell did you do to her last night? She's never made those sounds for me or Brett. Shit man, I was about to send in some help, but I wasn't sure for who! You, sir, are the king!" Jacob says, and we all lose it at that point.

Suddenly, standing there in the kitchen is Susie, and we all stop.

She says rather loudly, "Nice..."

The guys all look away as she continues. "He was nice to me. You know, if you all got down on your knees and worshipped us the way we needed and deserved, you too would get so much more in return. This man showed me things about myself that I never even knew existed. He opened me up to so much more than I ever imagined. You all could learn a lot from this man."

She bends down, pulls me in for a deep and consuming kiss. Then turns and grabs a piece of Brett's toast. She takes a bite and walks out the back door as we all sit there, dumbfounded. I watched her walk away, shaking that amazing ass, and they all start laughing once again.

Later that night, as I was setting up my new stereo, when there was a knock at my door. Looking at it, I stood up, walked over, and opened it to find Jacob standing there with a smirk on his face.

Entangled Ménage (Ménage Series, Book 2 of 6)Where stories live. Discover now