Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy

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Almost to Rochester, I have the music cranking and it's time to just let this all go for now. Sometimes you need to take a step back from the problem and give yourself time to let it breathe. I've been racking my brain for far too long and I need a break.

Another hour to go and I'll be hanging with my bestie. It's been a while since I visited and she is right. I never allow myself to let go, but for the next 12 hours, I'm all hers. In the morning, I'll call Dave, then talk to mom and possibly go see Vin.

That's when I hear that song from the late 80s, come on the radio. Kevin would sing it to me as though I was the one who needed to have more patience.

That man was a warped individual and a stalker. Why is it you can never hide from your mistakes? They pop up when you least expect them, and without warning. Why can't I escape the memory of that bastard? Maybe I should seek some psychiatric help for myself, to deal with the memories of that man and what he did to me.

To this day, I've never met someone so evil and merciless as Kevin. He was handsome and looked a lot like Vin in so many ways. That was my downfall, so Beth would tell me constantly. She did not like him at first, and I wish I'd listened to her.

He was our Resident Advisor at the dorm. I met him that first day and he was beautiful, or so I thought. Beth and I walked into his dorm room as he was hanging up the phone. Our eyes met, and he just stared at me throughout the rest of his phone conversation.

He said to the person on the other end of the line, "Yes, that sounds good. I'll make it happen. Two students need my help... Yes sir, no problem."

Kevin was so gorgeous, standing there in his tight black t-shirt and khaki shorts. He was a fantasy come true, but it wouldn't last. His hair was black as night and had steely gray eyes. When he looked at me with his intense stare, I melted. It was the look Vin would give me when he wanted me. Kevin acted like I was the only one in the room, with Beth standing by my side, and he was intriguing. That should have been my first warning, but I desired him from the start and there is no one to blame but myself.

Trying to replace someone you love with another rarely works out, but I was desperate to fix my heart. Kevin was beautiful and exciting, and I was completely enthralled, even though we had only just met. Those feelings of want hadn't had in such a long time filled me with need and I realized at that moment, it was time to move on. I wanted someone in my life again and he fit the bill.

"How can I help you?" Kevin said to me.

I just stared for a minute until Beth hit me.

Christ, this guy is so hot, I thought to myself.

"I um... What did I want?" I giggled nervously and then felt like an idiot.

What the hell is with me? His smile reminds me of Vin, too. I told myself.

"Oh right, my roommate never came, and I was wondering if something happened to her?" I asked, talking rather quickly.

I added, "Oh, I'm in room 118, by the way. I'm Amelia Murray, and this is my friend Elizabeth Goodwin. Well, we go by Amy and Beth, just so you know."

He nodded, and we waited for him to check his list.

"Right, Miss Murray, I was just going to come down and tell you that your roommate, Lina Yang, is not coming this semester. It doesn't say why, so I guess you get your room. You're a very lucky girl." Kevin said with a smirk as he looked directly into my eyes.

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