Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal

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My mind screams in excitement.

She's back, she is here, my God... it's Amelia. How is this humanly possible? All this time, all these years, and she's here, of all places? I'd given up hope of ever seeing her again, being with her, and loving Amelia, but yet, here she is, sitting and enjoying the pleasure we are giving her.

When Jacob said it was her birthday yesterday, I saw the crescent-shaped birthmark and then her charm bracelet. I couldn't think or even breathe. My heart went up into my chest at the realization that this woman is my Amelia.

The last time I saw her beautiful face, she was up on stage, graduating summa cum laude. Amelia was starting her new life, and she was getting married to another man.

What changed all of that? Or did she come to her senses and realize that he was not the man for her?

Either way, it doesn't matter now. He's gone, and I'm here with her.

Amelia... My God. I'm at a loss about what to do right now because I can't think straight. I'm overwrought with emotions. So many feelings, so many questions. Why is she here?

When Jacob and I step out into the hall, I immediately pace. My mind is racing. Jacob looks at me, concerned by my reaction, but my friend does not know why I am acting so erratic.

How do I explain that this is the woman I fell in love with so long ago? Amelia is the one and the only girl I've ever cared about. Now she is here, at a sex club, looking for us to make her fantasy come true.

My God, how will I tell Jacob all of this when I can barely get my mind around it myself. I'll have to tell him the truth. This is going to be hard, but I've put it off for far too long. He is my oldest friend, and Jacob will understand.

I hope.

"What happened in there, Cal? Do you know her or something?" Jacob asks.

He adds, "You know, I almost didn't recognize you when you walked into the room. No beard, mustache, or glasses, hell you're all cleaned up and built like a brick shit house."

A lot of explaining, because Jacob does not know my true identity, or where I have been these past few years. He knows nothing, and that's my fault.

Looking at him as he waits for my reply. The plan was to tell him at some point, but there was never a good time to say I'm not who you think I am and I've been lying to you for years.

Shit, how do I say that to Jacob now? Jesus, Amelia is in the other room, and I need to focus on that first, before anything else. Jacob and I have all the time in the world to hash this out. She is my top priority right now and the rest we will have to work on.

I quietly explain, "It's her Jacob, that's Amelia, the girl I've told you about. She's right there on the other side of this door."

He looks at me like I've lost my mind, so I add, "Yesterday was her 29th birthday, her voice is the same as I remembered. Then I saw the charm bracelet on her wrist and the tiny birthmark on her inner thigh of a small crescent moon. It's her... My God, it's Amelia."

Jacob sees the look on his face and his expression is in complete confusion.

"No, it's not, it can't be, she's my sister's best friend Amy. You must be mistaken, Cal." He says, dismissing my belief, but I would know that sweet voice anywhere.

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