Chapter 2: The Club - Joe

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It's been two weeks since Mark has allowed Deidre to leave her "office chamber". I'm really worried about her, and he's taking this way too far. She is tired and you can tell this is wearing on her, mentally and physically. Mark sent me to Dallas for two days to meet with the Ashton group, and when I got back, I heard something that shocked me. One of our senior vice presidents, Nick Anderson, told me that after their late-night meeting, Mark shared a girl with him in his office. He used the words ménage à trois with a smirk on his face, and I almost punched him.

I'm at a point where I don't even care if he fires me. How could he do that to her and why the hell didn't she tell me it happened when I stopped in to say that I was back? Did she think I would blame her? This needs to end, but I don't know how to stop him, other than pleading to his humanity, not that he has any. Stupid me. I thought Mark would tire of her, but he hasn't.

As I walk past Linda, she sees me and waves, shaking her head no, but I ignore her and walk up to his office door. Mark and his wife are discussing something and she's crying.

Christ, this guy is such a son of a bitch. I'm already angry with him, so this just pisses me off more.

Linda grabs my arm and pulls me away from his door. She seems very upset, so I walk back with her into the hall and Linda gets right up in my face.

"I don't care what you two do or how you treat each other, but you do not involve Mrs. Roth. She's a wonderful woman and doesn't need to know what Mark does around here. She's been through so much lately and there is no way that poor woman could deal with the real Mark right now. Please, just give them a moment and when she leaves, I will call you." Linda says, and I am shocked by this and how she's acting.

As I go to say my piece and she shakes her head and walks away for me. At that moment. I just stand there, completely confused by her actions.

Linda is a very level-headed person, so there must be a reason for it.

Turning around, I head back to my office and shut the door. I'm furious with him, but I guess it will have to wait.

That was so strange. I have never heard Linda talk that way to me or about Mark in such a negative manner. It's refreshing. I couldn't believe such an intelligent woman would miss all the crap he does around here.

As I finish up the paperwork on my desk, I look at the clock and realize that Linda never called.

What is her problem today?

Going out into the hall, I look over at Linda's desk and she's left for the day.

"What the hell?" I say allowed.

Christ, everyone is on my last nerve.

Walking towards Mark's door again, I hear him inside laughing and talking to someone. This time I poke my head in first to see what's going on before I go inside.

Mark notices and says, "Joe, where the hell have you been today? Close the door for me."

I'm so confused, but I do as he commands.

Who the hell was he just talking to?

Then I see Deidre come strutting out of the bathroom.

"Joe, what do you think?" Deidre asks as she spins around for me.

Looking at this vision, I smile at her as she twirls around and around. Mark watches her, and he laughs as she curtsies at us. Deidre is in an amazing, strapless, golden gown that has an opening up to her hip. She shows me this slit by putting her leg up on the coffee table, throwing her arms in the air, and arching her back.

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