Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe

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Well, it's been almost a week since all of that went on and Mark still claims I passed out in one of the observation rooms before the meeting began. He said that I'm an inductee, even though I didn't attend the ceremony. Trying to remember all that went on. It seems dreamlike, but I doubt it was all in my mind.

He's hiding something from me or trying to cover something up.

Yesterday, Mark and I finally discussed what was told to me. He said that it wasn't Deidre that they shared. The girl was someone that Nick knew personally, and he invited our boss to join them. As he tells me this, I know he's lying because why in the world would Nick make up a story unless he knew about Deidre. The only way he would know about her is if Mark told him.

He's lying to me. I know Mark enjoys threesomes, and that's why he invited Nick to use her while I was away in Dallas. Does he think I'm an idiot? I'll go along with his explanation for now, but this needs to end soon.

Deidre never said a word to me, so maybe she was drugged. Guess I'll leave that one alone, for now, but if she brings it up, then Mark and I will go to war.

If he is lying to me, and I find out, his world is going to change. I've had enough bullshit for tonight. It is now 6:00 p.m. and I am going home. Tomorrow is a holiday and I'll spend it with Deidre, but I'm tired tonight. I'll let her sleep and see her in the morning.

The next day, I return to the office early in the morning. This place is empty because it's Thanksgiving and Mark gave everyone a 4-day weekend, except me, of course.

It was surprising, but maybe becoming a family man has changed him somewhat.

As I go into Deidre's room and she is not there. I look in the bathroom behind the bar and then I find her next to the bed on the floor. She's crying, and as soon as Deidre sees me, she backs away, like I'm a monster or something.

She whimpers, "No, don't hurt me," and it's so sad that my heart aches.

"What happened, baby? Are you hurt?" I ask, and she nods.

When I reach for her and she hesitates, but then Deidre takes my hand. As I help her stand, I notice that the back of her pink negligee is covered in blood. Tears well up in my eyes as I peek inside her top and see whip marks on her back. Checking lower, there are handprints on her back and bottom as well.

"My God, Deidre, when did he do this to you?" I exclaim as the tears fall.

Filled with fury, I try to control the anger while holding her carefully in my arms. But I'll kill him for hurting her.

"I don't remember what went on, but I remember pain... lots of pain. It wasn't Mark, I don't think. When I woke up, I was blindfolded, and he was hurting me. I heard a man's voice, but it wasn't Mark's... it was... someone else. I don't know what happened, Joe." Deidre exclaims, and she is hysterically crying now.

We walk into the bathroom, and I clean her cuts. There were 3 deep lacerations, but I don't think she will need stitches. I am confused because there is a lot of blood, but I don't think it's all hers. Seeing her like this, I've decided. As soon as possible, I need to get her out of here. I've got a plan, but I'm just not sure if it will work.

Tucking Deidre into bed, I finally get her to sleep as the anger builds up inside of me once again.

This should never have gone on. The man is a fool and I will expose him for what he has done to her. She's a sweet, intelligent, and wonderful woman, who has been turned into a whore for his enjoyment. Mark is a sick and vile human being, and I cannot let this go on any longer. I know that I'm partially to blame, but I would never have hurt her, mentally or physically. He has kept her locked up in this room, as his slave and his property. Deidre is not Mark's toy. The man is a monster, and I need to protect her from his cruelty.

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