Chapter 26 Part 1

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Don't worry. I'm back people.



Here is the next chapter for you guys...


Canine's P.O.V

I turn my back on the family of rouges and walk back to the pack house, heading to my office. I silently hear thier light footsteps follow up behind me.

The warrior wolves part for me as I walk past them.

"Alpha." Luke bows his head towards me and follows right behind me. Max and Josh taking up the rear by the rouges.

We head down twisted passages and, to some, confusing passage ways that I now know like the back of my hand.

I walk into me office and sit in my large, leather chair behind my desk. Luke walks and stands behind me while the rouge family don't move a step past the door.

"You may enter and please have a seat." I said and silently wave them in.

The male wolf nods lightly and walks in first infront of his mate who has his child in her arm. They take a seat across from me and the room suddenly goes still. 

Specks of dust peacefully and quitely fall down from above like an angle gliding down from heaven. Rays of sunlight shine into the room as sharp as ancient swords. The slight hum of the pack members going about their daily routines can be heard around them.

"Let's get down to business." I said and lean back. "Speak."

"First of my name is Kyle and this my mate Julia and daughter Ruby." The male wolf, Kyle, introduced.  "We simply passed onto your territory to deliver that letter that has been address to you specially. Please, just let us leave in peace." He begs.

"Alright." I say.

"Really?" Julia asks. Ruby turns her head to me. Her eyes filled with a silent challenge. She knows there is something else.

"I want one thing first." I say.

Kyle gives me look telling me to continue.

"Tell me how you came to be rouges along with a pup." I say.

I look closely at Kyle and Julia. The hesitation tells me that this is either going to be a very personal story or something terribly happened.

"Okay." Said Kyle. " A few months back our pack was having a celebration for a new pup born into the pack. We were the only pack we know of that still celebrated new life."

Julia took over from Kyle who had so much pain in his eyes and sorrow that it was overwhelming.

"We were attacked that night." She says. Luke and I leaned forward, inducing into the story.  "They came out from nowhere. Like shadows in the night. Unseen until they reveal themselves."

Julia looked down at Ruby, a tear running down her cheek. Combing her fingers through her daughter's hair, her tear fell on Ruby's forehead. Ruby looked up at her mother and gave her an encouraging smile.

"Our pack house was burnt down and our Alpha's daughter was killed during the attack trying to escape through an underground tunnel they had built. One of them got in and killed her. The pack was split up. Many were not lucky enough to escape. Others they took away."

"Where did they take them?" Luke asks.

"We don't know." Kyle answers softly. 

"I would just like to ask you one more thing before you leave this room." I say.

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