~Chapter- 4~

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"Good morning my loves!" I said bowing infront of my parents who were sitting at the table ready to have breakfast while waiting for me

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"Good morning my loves!" I said bowing infront of my parents who were sitting at the table ready to have breakfast while waiting for me. Coco rushed to me as he noticed me and I crouched down petting him and hugging him.

"Aww! My sweet boy! Good morning! Someone looks vibrant today!" I exclaimed and he licked me.

"Good morning princess! You look vibrant today!" Dad said kissing my forehead as I bent to hug him.

I gave a hug to Ma and sat down in my seat.

"Well after three days completing all my sem assignments I got free and slept well yesterday Paa that's why!" I chirped and he smiled at me.

"That's good! You should sleep more beta! Or else you will get easily tired. Now chalo eat your breakfast I believe you have a bus to catch as Khushi will leave with her cousin for college?" Ma asked and I nodded my head.

"Umhmm...she will go with her cousin and will meet me there. I am excited to go in the bus. Anyway the bus which goes towards our college will not be too crowded and it's a nice route you can see that one garden I tell you about on the way!" I said enthusiastically and Ma chuckled at me.

Ma made poori bhaji today and god! It was so so so yummy! I didn't have the heart to leave the table and go to college! Agh! I would rather sit and keep eating these the whole day instead of going but alas! College to attend, classes to go to, professors to bitch about! Oh! And Zian to look at!

I smacked my head mentally while thinking that and smiled to myself before quickly composing as I was infront of my parents.

After reluctantly completing my yummy breakfast I left for college and on the way I looked at this garden which was on the side of the road. It's such a pretty garden. That garden is a part of an old lady's house and she grows it with so much care!

I like nature and I enjoy it wherever and whenever I can!

The bus soon reached the college and I text Khush as to where she is.

B- Where are you dude? I am at the entrance!

K- I am in the classroom itself! They gave us a notice for the assignment topics it seems so I came over to check them. You come here asap!

I sighed and started walking towards the class. Since the students are just coming in the main entrance side is very packed. I know for a fact I have to push around people and go that's why I used another route from the side.

This one takes you through a quiet corridor and it will get you to the main building where my class is.

Security don't usually allow people to go from there that's why I snuck in without anybody seeing.

As I was walking I saw the trio sitting on the corridor railing talking to each other. My eyes automatically went to Zian as they do all the time when I came accross them. He was wearing a cobalt blue shirt and black pants today. His hair is ruffled in a messy way and God! Does he look nice! I shook my head to get my head out of the gutter and gave them a smile as they noticed me and kept walking.

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