~Chapter- 12~

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"Who the hell goes there at this time of the night Bhuva!" Zian said exasperated and I grinned at him sheepishly

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"Who the hell goes there at this time of the night Bhuva!" Zian said exasperated and I grinned at him sheepishly.

"Please! Pretty please! I really want to go there!" I said pouting at him and he sighed in disbelief.

"You are so weird!" He muttered and I stuck my tongue out at him and climbed on his bike.

So let me rewind to what happened! So as you all know that I asked Zian to take me somewhere! He denied saying we will go in the morning but I refused and was adamant on going now. When he said that he won't come I said that I will go alone or ask someone else.

He immediately denied saying he will come to my house and took the address and in approximately 20 minutes he is in front of my home sitting on his posh bike.

"This better be a good place to go to!" He said and I nodded my head excitedly.

"It sure is a spectacular place!" With that he started his bike and we drove there.

This is the first time I sat on his bike and I felt pretty shy for the first time because it is all new. I am sitting very close to him due to the small seat and I tried catching the back grip but Zian is a fast rider. And so it's hard not to clutch to him for my dear life though it was so good! I always loved bike rides! I just get lost in the feel of being free moving with the cool breeze around you!

In another 20 minutes we reached my favourite place! Marine Drive!

Yess! I asked Zian to take me to the Marine Drive! I love the beach and I love the peace it gives me. This is like my me spot!

My dad whenever I asked used to bring me here at midnight. This is our little secret. And nobody knows except for him and me.

I don't know what even came over me but I asked Zian to come. Maybe my stupid impulsive self but then again I am happy I brought him.

"Welcome to my favourite place!" I said spreading my arms in SRK pose and smiled widely at him.

Though he rolled his eyes clearly annoyed he still fought a small smile.

We walked towards the beach and sat down on the sand. The salty water smell, the wind breezing merrily, the dark night filled with stars and moon, with the man who is filling my thoughts everyday......this sure is a beautiful moment I guess.

"Why?" Zian asked staring at the sea.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Why did you want to come here? Are you okay? I mean it's pretty weird to come here at this time of the night. You can talk to me if you wanna share anything" He said very seriously and I chuckled.

"I am not sad neither am I upset or thinking  about anything. Seriously dude! Will people only come here at this time of night because of grief!?" I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

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