~Chapter- 9~

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"Bye then! Take care! See you later!" Bhuva

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"Bye then! Take care! See you later!" Bhuva......that girl said as she gave me her bright smile and walked away to her class.

My lips are still curling up and then refused to go down. God! I took my eyes away from my new friend and gathered my things to go to my class. While walking I thought about how wise and mature she was about everything though I was rude to her like a jerk.

God! That girl is something! Something entirely different and with every second I see her she is making me even more intrigued by her!

I took a deep breath to push my thoughts to something else.

Deep breaths.......

I reached my class and texted Kabir and Rudra to know where they are.

It was hard to to keep my thoughts away from her. When I apologized and she in turn assured me everything was okay I was about to leave it at that. But then.....that would be it. And I didn't want that to be it. I wanted to........I don't know what I wanted. I don't even know how I asked her to be my friend.

I am a very private person and I don't let anybody in so easily. I observe them, get to know them and then maybe I'll warm up. But her......I wanted to be atleast friends with her. Though......I.....I settled for friends. I am not going to think of anything else or put something into it. Friends and that's it. And overall she looks like a nice girl. So what's the loss?

But dude! She fucking asked me for a chocolate! I know girls who die over salads and spends thousands on bland salads and makes their boyfriend pay for that. But this girl asked me for chocolates and talked about them as if they are her lifelines.

I chuckled as I remembered how cute she looked when she demanded I get her treats.

"What's gotten into you bro? You are laughing at nothing?" I heard Kabir's voice from beside me and I snapped out of my thoughts to see both Rudra and Kabir gazing at me standing infront of me.

They both sat down beside me and looked at me skeptically. Their gaze was burning holes in my head and I snapped at them.

"What?!" Irritated at their smirks.

"Rudra here told me that you signalled him to get out of the cafeteria and he saw you talking to Bhuva! Now spill what happened? What did you two talk about?!" Kabir asked rubbing his hands excitedly as if he is getting some gossip and I rolled my eyes.

One thing I know is that I wont be able to hide anything from these two idiots so might as well tell them right?

"I asked Bhuva to be my friend and I apologized" I said and they both gaped at me.

"You asked her to be your friend!" Rudra said and Kabir continued.

"And you apologised to her!?" Kabir exclaimed and both of them cupped their mouths in shock. I gave them both an annoyed look and started fishing out my notes.

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