~Chapter- 15~

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"So you are saying Zian got you this book because you said you are interested in this topic?!" Khush asked incredulously while we're sitting in our second lecture room waiting for our professor

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"So you are saying Zian got you this book because you said you are interested in this topic?!" Khush asked incredulously while we're sitting in our second lecture room waiting for our professor.

Yesterday when I came back from the library I hid the books because I wanted to take my time telling her about it. I wanted to first process whatever happened the hand holding, the hug, the glances everything. Today morning when I opened my bag she did see the book and I spilled the beans.

"I mean yes when you put it like that. I helped him find a reference regarding some work and he brought this for me" I said shrugging my shoulders acting very nonchalant and looking at her from the corner of my eye.

"Girl! Is there anything going on between you two?! If so spill now!" Khush whisper yelled so as to not gain attention from others and I palmed my face.

"What should I tell you when I don't know what's happening!?" I said and she looked at me in confusion. I sighed and started explaining.

"I myself don't know what's happening Khush. We started talking more since he asked to be friends and well I can say I feel more close to him. But he sees me just as that babe. A friend. And I told right that I am working on not concentrating about these feelings and stuff but it's getting hard! I mean did you see that guy!?" I said a little too dreamily and Khush shook her head.

"He has you eating from the back of his palm girl!" She said and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Nope! He has me hooked to him. I will never eat the back of palm or whatever for any man! Having feelings for someone means that you feel a deep emotion in your heart for someone. Not that you are desperate enough to play on their whims. Desperation in love should always be there for the person to be better not to make the other person dance on their tunes. And I will never be desperate enough to do that!" I said with a firm voice and Khush chuckled.

"That's like my girl! Always says deep stuff which fly right off my mind! But I am proud as fuck dude!" And we both laughed at that.

"But seriously if there is something going on between you two! I should be the first one to know or forget breathing the next second" Khushi said in a threatening voice and I giggled.

"If something happens then we will see" I said and with that we continued with our day.


The day was so lazy that we both were bored out of our mind. We just wanted to have some kind of fun. Today even the guys didn't come for lunch because of some class which is going on extra. Even we ate our lunch in the library reading some romance novels to pass our time.

"Agh! Today is so boring! I want some fun!" I whined and Khush agreed nodding her head.

"I know right!? Me too! Like seriously! What happens to the time and the universe sometimes that one day if it's fast that we don't have time to sit then another day it's so slow that all you wanna do is stay in bed!?" Khush chimed in.

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