~Chapter- 5~

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"Oh my God! I cannot for the love of god beleive that he asked me out! And that we are going out today! Now! What do I wear? How should I behave? What do I talk? Oh my god! What if he doesn't like me after he gets to know me! Meh! Who cares! If he...

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"Oh my God! I cannot for the love of god beleive that he asked me out! And that we are going out today! Now! What do I wear? How should I behave? What do I talk? Oh my god! What if he doesn't like me after he gets to know me! Meh! Who cares! If he doesn't like me it's his loss but I gotta impress him too right!"

From the past one hour all I can hear is this from Khush's mouth as she paced around in her room and I wonder how there isn't a hole on the floor yet!

Having enough of her rant as I gave her an hour to get out of it I marched towards her and turned her to me gripping her shoulders.

"Listen Khush! Finally it happened! How I don't know! But Kabir likes you too I can say that for sure and he asked you out! Now whether you guys will work out or even click is up to you guys but don't waste this moment thinking nonsensical stuff and enjoy. Go out there with him and show him what my girl is! I am sure he is gonna be whipped by you! And as per your dress come I'll select it for you!" I told her and she took a deep breath nodding her head with a smile.

Sometimes it's so easy for us humans to just fret over things right? I mean if it's something there or even if something is not there we fret over it because if the rush of emotions we feel or the rush of thoughts we endure.

I shuffled through her rack trying to find a cute dress for her and came over a yellow floral maxi which will suit her so good! I also picked a blue jumpsuit and showed her both of them wiggling my eyebrows.

"What do you think? Which one do you like?" I asked her and she scrutinized both of them and went with the jumpsuit.

"I want the jumpsuit! I am gonna look cute in it! I'll save the maxi for another time" she said taking it from my hands and I teased her.

"Few minutes ago you were like 'will he like me or not?!' and now you are already talking about your next date?" I asked with a mischievous tone and she blushed hitting my arm.

"I was fretting because I was very giddy and this was so unexpected. But I am back to real world now and I know once he gets to know me he isn't gonna leave me!" She said smugly and I laughed.

"Cocky much don't you think oh! And a little arrogant too?" I asked playfully and she shrugged.

"What?! You gotta love yourself dude!" She said and I agree. Often because of the way we talk people think we both are too self centred or too arrogant about ourselves. Not that it matters but then again we both love ourselves a lot. Something we have in common. One has to love themselves in order to have a healthy self-esteem. Others perception about you shouldn't be your definition. Your self-awareness about yourself should be your definition. It's not easy to get there. It wasn't easy for us but we tried and we are in a healthy place now.

"This is why we are friends!" I said quoting Christina from Grey's anatomy and we both fist bumped.

I am a huge Grey's anatomy lover have been watching that show since I was in high school! I love that show and I made Khush watch that show with a lot of difficulty and now she is absolutely hooked like me. We often quote Grey's with each other too lol!

The doorbell rang and I knew Kabir is here by the time Khush got ready. Her parents are not at home as they went to her relatives house. So Khush is gonna take another set of keys and I came over to help her with her date.

"Welcome Kabir ji!" I said bowing to him and he laughed.

"Is she ready?" He asked as he was waiting for her impatiently and before I can answer Khush came up from behind me and interrupted.

"Yes I am! I am sorry to keep you waiting" she chirped and they both started looking at each other smiling.

"Okay people! Stop gazing at each other and go or you guys will be late and also I expect you to drop her home before 10 or else I will come hunt you down! And don't do anything I wouldn't do" I said with a fake stern voice and Khush smacked my head.

"Stop with your drama and go home safe. Text me when you reach home" she said and I nodded my head.

Khush locked her house up and they both waved as she got on Kabir's bike and left. I started walking to my home. I can also take a cab or a bus but then I felt like walking today as the weather is so cool and breezy today.

Except for I really should've went in a cab.

Fifteen minutes later while I was walking I realised it started raining and that's when I remembered it was said that it is gonna heavily rain today in my phone's weather report.

*You doofus! You should've taken the bus!* I mentally scolded myself and ran to the bus stop which was nearby.

I looked up towards the thundering skies and though I was drenched and uncomfortable I leaned my face out and felt the water touching my face. The colony was dimly lit and one street light was already gone due to the rain and only one was barely hanging.

Rain is something close to heart. I have so many memories with rain. I used to eat ice cream whenever there is rain. My uncle, my dad's older brother always used to bring me ice cream whenever there is rain as he lives a few blocks away from us. He used to say the real way of enjoying rain is by eating a cup of ice cream and drinking tea.

I chuckled as I remembered his words. I extended my hand and played with the rain drops. I checked my phone for some kind of network but it was nil due to the heavy pour.

"Crap! What do I do now!? I am also blocks away from Khush's house and there is no one there too..." I was thinking if what to do and suddenly I saw something and screamed!

My dear friend! God! Save me!

Hello lovely readers! There you go! What do you think happened?! My wild theory is that there is a huge animal which came out of the bushes and that's what scared her!? What do you think?! Lemme know your thoughts!

Hello lovely readers! There you go! What do you think happened?! My wild theory is that there is a huge animal which came out of the bushes and that's what scared her!? What do you think?! Lemme know your thoughts!

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