~Chapter- 24~

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"Hello ladies!!! And

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"Hello ladies!!! And..... gentlemen" Rudra exclaimed as soon as he made his way towards us and said the last part in a boring tone making me and Khush laugh.

"Hi! Rudra!" I chirped and he gave me a charming smile.

"Hey Ru!" Khush said and gave him a fist bump.

"Hi!!....Rudra" Zian and Kabir started off excited and ended with a boring tone just like Rudra and we both girls burst out laughing at their dramatics.

"Yaar! These exams are going to make my superb hair fall down to death! I am already facing so much hair fall!" Rudra whined and I agreed.

"Tell me about it! Just yesterday I submitted not one, not two, but three reports that too each report no less than 3000 words!" I exclaimed and Khush started.

"You don't talk about it! Atleast you started the preparation for the report early! I had to call you thousand times to get my references straight and then started those reports!" Khush whined and as I, Khush and Rudra were whining Zian and Kabir just shook their heads in amusement.

"Ha! Whiny bitches!" Kabir said eating his fries and I pinched his arm.

"Ha! Cocky toppers!" I said to both Zian and Kabir who in turn smirked at me.

"Not our fault if you guys don't study!" Zian said shrugging his shoulders and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"How do you even study while you are dating me!? I mean considering the fact that I am quite a handful?" I asked and Zian smirked.

"I have my ways darling!" He said and I just huffed.

"You Kabir Chowdhary! You are going to make sure I study well for these exams! Otherwise I am breaking up with you!" Khushi said and Kabir laughed throwing his head back nevertheless nodded his head in agreement.

"And Me? Should I make sure that you are studying too?" Zian asked and I shook my head and opened my mouth to reply but Khushi beat me to it.

"Don't worry bro! Your girlfriend even though procrastinates typing out reports no one can make her stop studying! I bet she already made notes of all the modules" Khush said eyeing me and I gave her an innocent smile.

"I knew it! I knew it! See I am the only one under prepared!" She exclaimed and I laughed hugging her with one arm.

"Dude! Don't worry babe! Anyways I am going to share my notes with you so don't take stress! We will study together and I'll make you study so it will be easy!" I said consoling her and she gave me a mega watt smile.

"And I will give you motivation to study baby" Kabir said and they both did some silent communication with eyes and for some reason I understood it is pretty dirty as Khushi blushed.

I stifled a laugh and looked at Zian to see him already staring at me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"And I will give you motivation to study kanmani! You will instantly charge up" he said and I blushed pushing him away making sure no one heard him.

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