-"You're Back"-

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So many things in life can challenge another.

Y/n was challenged with the thought of saving her friend. Yet how would she do so, the friend was a villain.

A very wanted villain.

Himiko Toga

But what now? Toga had changed. 

What could they do?


"H/n? Are you okay? Is the villain threatening you? Handcuff her." A police officer said.

"I'm fine but please don't take her! She's changed!"

"That doesn't excuse her past crimes. She held you hostage, no?"

"Yes but-"

"Then that's all I need to know"

As Toga was being handcuffed and Y/n was held by her wrists to prevent her to keep the officers away, Toga smiled lightly. 

"It's okay Y/n-Chan. Go find you're friends. When I'm allowed out, I'll look for you. We'll meet again soon."

Y/n still struggled to get out of the officers grasp, and when she finally did, she went to go hug Toga.

"I'll miss you, Y/n, thank you."

"I'll miss you more, and you don't need to thank me."

Toga was roughly pulled from the handcuffs and out of the hug.

"Go find your friends! I'll be fine." Toga yelled as she was shoved into the police car.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Y/n yelled as they closed the car door. She ran up to Toga. The blonde girl smiled as the car drove off.

"Whoever called the cops is a real asshole." Y/n said as the other police cars slowly drove away.

"Will you be protecting Saitama prefecture again, H/n?"

"No.. Maybe another prefecture, but Saitama treated me like trash."

Y/n had her hands in her jacket pockets. 

"I'm so sorry for you H/n! I just wanted to tell you, Red Riot and Deku's hero agencies are over there. They didn't take yours down, and the workers there were put on hold but still paid." Another person said.

"Thank you for telling me, I have people to find now, stay safe." Y/n said, running towards Midoriya's house. She was feeling a mixed amount of feelings.

 "But we need to question you!-" One of the officers said, before being cut off by one of the angry fans who were on Y/n's side and found it rude that someone called the cops.

Once she got to Midoriya's house, she knocked on the door.

Uraraka had answered, giggling with her eyes closed.

"Take the medicine Todoroki! This is the last one I promise." Midoriya said on top of Todoroki, who was laying on his stomach, refusing to take the medicine

"Let me sleep" Todoroki says, groaning.

"Guys hold on stop making me laugh I need to see who it is." Uraraka said, still laughing.

"Hello? Oh, Y/n? Its so late, how are you?"

Todoroki shot his head up as fast as he could, trying to see Y/n, and hitting the back of his head on Midoriya's face by accident.

"Ow" Both Midoriya and Todoroki yell.

Y/n lightly laughs. "You guys okay?"

"Y/nnnnn, I want to see you." Todoroki whines.

"Hey if you take your medicine you can see her, otherwise I'm not getting off you." Midoriya says.

"Yeah, it's been a struggle trying to get him to swallow his medicine. This is his last one and he won't take it." Uraraka explains.

"Can I come in? I can probably make him take it."

"Of course!"

Y/n walked inside slowly.

"Hey, Midoriya-"

"Take it, I'm done trying." Midoriya says, getting off Todoroki to go hug his girlfriend.

"Sho, sit up."

Todoroki instantly sat up, leaving Midoriya in disbelief.

"I'm only saying this once." Y/n says, sitting down next to him and grinning. "Take your medicine." 

Without a second thought, Todoroki took the pill and swallowed it down with some water.

"How the- Y/n we should've had you around since the first day he had to take these."

"I used to tell him every time he took his medicine, he'd get a kiss. He'd take it and just swallow it." Y/n says.

"Reminds me, you owe me 3 years of kisses."

"That could result in way more than just a kiss, Sho, and I'm not looking for kids."

Todoroki blushes as Y/n kisses him once, then walks to Midoriya and Uraraka.

"You know despite you being upset you still have your humor." Uraraka says as Midoriya looks at her in confusion.

"Ura, how could you tell."

"I know you like the back of my hand, Y/n. So what's got you upset?"

Y/n looked down. "Toga went to jail."

Midoriya looked at Y/n in shock. "Toga, like the villain, that's crazy? Isn't that good that she's in jail?"

"It really isn't. She's changed, Midoriya. She doesn't want to be a villain, those people, Shigaraki, and Dabi, Kurogiri, all of them, they treated her wrong, she doesn't want to be one of them. She helped me leave that awful place, she comforted me when I was terrified out of my mind, and all those people saw her as was a villain. They couldn't tell, she'd changed. They took her from everything and the civilians asked if I was going to fucking protect Saitama Prefecture! All they cared about was the safety of themselves! Toga didn't do anything to them, it was all that damned Shigaraki. I know she hurt some of us at the training camp but it was against her own will!" Y/n said, breaking into tears midway through her rant.

"Calm down Y/n."

"I can't Midoriya, I just- she didn't deserve any of this! She deserved love and comfort but she got bullshit! She didn't get shit from her parents, her parents practically threw her on the street and said 'fend for yourself'! None of this was her fault her everyone blames her! I don't know how to feel anymore and-"

Todoroki wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist and turned her to face him.

"Y/n, calm down."

"I can't I don't-"

"Shh, it's alright, just remember, cry it out and breathe. Breathe through whatever is hurting you."

Y/n rested her head on Todoroki's chest, and took a few deep breaths. 

"Good. Keep going."

Midoriya and Uraraka smiled. They didn't remember how much Y/n and Todoroki helped each other in ways they didn't even realize.

Y/n continued taking breaths until she finally felt calm, and accidentally fell asleep. Todoroki smiled as he looked at her beautiful hair.

"If you want you two can take my bed upstairs, We can stay downstairs" Midoriya offered.

"It's okay Midoriya, we'll be okay on the couch, it's really comfortable anyway, and there's enough space for us."

"Alright, we should probably go to bed now too, come to my room if you need anything or call me. If anything hurts tell me."

"I will, thank you" Todoroki says.

"No problem" Midoriya said as he and Uraraka walked to his room.

Todoroki looked at Y/n for a little longer, before putting her on the couch next to him. With tears in his eyes, he said,

"You're back"

Chapter 9 End.

"I Hope to See You Again.." Todoroki x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now