-Never Ending Chaos-

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The true pain of having a loved one leave/ leaving a loved one showed in both Y/n and Todoroki.

What could they do though? 

Y/n was threatened for her life,

And Todoroki was almost killed, rendering himself weak at the moment.

So what other options did they have? 

Besides asking others for help, they had nothing to offer in trying to get Y/n back.

Or did they?

All they could do is hope for them to meet again.


Again, blindfolded and deafened, Y/n sits in this room, alone. Alone for a little bit at least.

"Yay! Another friend to play with!" Toga exclaims happily as she guides the blonde boy to Y/n's room.

"Who's the girl.." The boy asks. 

Toga takes off the headphones. The blonde gently taps Y/n on the shoulder.

Instead of reacting normally (asking "what's wrong and why do you need me" in an annoyed tone), Y/n was overly sensitive.

With one little tap, Y/n jumped, trying to stay away from whoever it is while still having the chains on.

"No, no no no. Not again.. Toga!? Are you there? That wasn't your hand, please tell me you're here."

"Awe, that's adorable, I'm here, Y/n-Chan. Just say hi, the person is friendly."

"Y/n-Chan? Like the pro hero H/n that went missing years ago?"

"T-that's me... Who are you?

"I'm from the US, My name is Justen Luce and I'm 36."

Y/n could remember that name even if it wasn't told to her. Justen Luce, the man who sexually harassed Y/n Aikara.

"T-Toga, take off my blindfold, please."

Toga took the blindfold off Y/n in confusion.

That face, Y/n could never forget.

"Toga get me away from him..."

"What's wrong-"


That's when the man realized. He gasped out of utter shock."

"You were the fourteen year old girl..."

... 30 minutes later ...

"It's okay Y/n, we can't get rid of him because Shiggy wants him here, but he won't come near you." Toga says, holding a traumatized Y/n. 

They truly became close friends. Toga had grown a soft spot for Y/n. The glare on Toga's face was straight toward Justen.

Dabi walked into the room out of no where.

"How come the newbie is locked up and Aikara isn't, and how come you're hugging her?"

"Because he needs to be locked up."

"She better not be growing on you."

Toga grabs Y/n's head and gently lays it on Toga's shoulder.

"She's crying and you tell me not to let her grow on me?" 

Y/n had fallen asleep from crying so much.

"Just leave me alone Dabi."

Dabi walked out of the room, frustrated.

... 1 Day Later ...

Toga had stayed with Y/n the entire night, telling jokes if she ever woke up from nightmares, helping her fall back to sleep.

It was now morning, and Y/n questioned what all of this was for.

"Why do you care for me, Toga, I'm your enemy."

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, I don't want to be the bad one. I don't want to be a villain anymore. I don't have too much of a choice though, that's my reputation, Toga, the villain."

Y/n looked up at Toga, then hugged her.

"I see you as Toga, the hero."

Toga smiled.

"I'll help you get out of here one day, and I hope that day is soon, I want to see you happy Y/n-Chan."

"Toga, you can come with me."

Toga rested her head on Y/n's, who had her head on Toga's shoulder.

"I don't think anyone would like me." Toga says.

"I'll make them like you!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Uhm-" Justen tried to explain.

"If it's not an apology zip it bleach blonde, actually, it's too late for one, so stay quiet." Toga yells.

"Toga, here's what I say we can do.-" Y/n said.

"Wait, I don't trust that guy, let me get the headphones." Toga says, standing up and placing the headphones on Justen and turning them on.

"So, what were you thinking?"

"Alright," Y/n whispers. "They all fall asleep around 11 knowing you'd be awake to keep check on me. They don't know you don't want to be a villain, so they'd still let you check up on us. I say once they fall asleep, come here and we can both escape. We can get some trustworthy pro heroes and show them you're a good person and they can help us fight the League of Villains."

"That's a pretty good idea, Shiggy would probably hate me after though."

"They can all go fuck themselves. Toga, they don't treat you right. If we do this, you won't have to care if they hate you or not, they'll be irrelevant."

Toga smiled. "Alright, we can do it"

"Then let the plan commence!" Y/n whisper yells.

... 11:36 ...

Toga walks into Y/n's room. "They're all asleep."

"So is he." Y/n says, pointing at the blonde across from her.

Y/n stands up and walks to the door, not leaving the actual room unless Toga says it's okay.

"Lets go."

Y/n and Toga start sneaking out of the hideout, not remembering that Toga was a villain, and people would recognize her.

"H/N WITH A VILLAIN?" A random person screams. Suddenly everyone attends to the matter that a former hero was with a villain. 

Police started running towards the scene.


This truly was Never Ending Chaos.

Chapter 8 End

"I Hope to See You Again.." Todoroki x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now