Chapter two:(stella past how she meet stolas)

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(18 years ago Stella goes to a nice hell royalty school with all the student that are chosen to be pick for the classes to be moved into Stella was nervous about this she bit her lips reaches for a paper but touches another soft feather like hand looks up to see a pair of four red bright eyes and a charming smile) hello there I'm sorry about that you can have that I didn't mean to grab your hand like that miss Stella (she look at him with a surprise and shocked look) didn't you know my name?(the strange handsome tall grey owl looked her smiling) oh my well I know you since you use to be in cooking class together in kindergarten our mothers are great friends back then but yes indeed your great hell king's daughter am I right?(she nodded) yes I am and a princess as well (he lifts her hand with a gentle kiss) well my name is prince stolas the son of greed king I don't know why but I just don't understand why my father prefer money riches and younger women since my mother left him with another owl(Stella gasped) oh my I'm so sorry to hear that how did you know that happen(he sighed) it happen after I transferred here to this new school my parents went their ways and my mother claims me as well as the money but my father is now gone I just don't wanna talk about it so if you don't have any plans would you like to spend time with me(he blushed) but it's ok if you don't want too I'm just saying I wanna to get to know you heh(he blushed more Stella awed his shyness to her) awe I would love to how about night dream park it's the most perfect place to hang out after school heheh(he nods as the bell rang they both went to their signed classes) he is so sweet I wonder if he is the one my mother was talking about oh gosh I hope she is ok with this I don't wanna deal with another males here cause it's hard to choose who is worthy (she smiled goes to her favorite classes of math art cooking fashion and music classes she is one of the top high classes students of hell high school has straight A and raised by the good standards but has a shellfish father too as well after her studies she meets up with stolas at the park like he said for her to hang out nice there was a blanket set up nice with candles and lunch as well stolas blushed shyly again offers Stella his hand to take her and gently let her sit down on a pillow to eat and get to know each other) so shall we meet here again by tomorrow?(stolas nods) sure if you want maybe looloo land?(stella) looloo land?(he blushed) I'm sorry I know it's stupid(she giggled) no it's cute I would love to go I never been there before I been dying to go since my parents use to take me there when I was 5 heheh(stolas)well then that's settled let's have a carnival date(she hugs him)(after more years later stella is now 18 years old both her a stolas is getting ready to Graduate from their school to go to collage sad part is their parents wants them in different collage to go too stella said good bye to stolas as he gives her a picture of him to remember she did the same to him) I'll be thinking of you stolas(sniff) me to princess stella (as his ride is about to leave slowly he yells) STELLA!?(she yelled back) YES STOLAS!?(he pulls out a huge sign that has a cute drawing of a ring on it)WILL YOU MARRY ME!!!!!!(she cried in joy and yells) YES I DO STOLAS I WILL BE BACK FOR YOU AFTER COLLAGE!!!!(echos)(stolas jumps in joy everyone claps around him as his father too takes him to his collage school too)(after 25 years later stolas and stella are now married with her pregnant with Octavia and happily in joy they danced sing enjoy each other years together as husband and wife but what Stella didn't know this marriage she is a set marriage arrangement from her and his parents cause of the Situation that turned bad years ago that has holding stella back pretty much a lot to handle and broken her from lies the same way how her now old 18 year daughter is going through)(Stella) what have I done I knew he cheated on me with that imp!!!(she yelled angrily) God damn it!!!!!(she yells breaks vases plants mirrors and tears some of the paintings as well)(end of the past)(Stella was about to yell more until a male imp in a suit fancy falls from the ceiling hissing in pain landed on his leg painful she froze then helps it anyways cause she is tired of fighting with things that make her mad for today her husband never told her who it was he cheated on her with the imp yelped in pain as she takes him to other room to heal him) oh my god are you ok?(she wraps him up with bandages he smile with a toothy grin) I'm ok hun thank you I'm glad I ran away from that crazy horny owl today cause geez does he ever leave me alone (she snort in laughter) your telling me heh my own husband cheated on me with a imp but I never heard him say what's his name though but I don't wanna fucking know though here you go all good?(she smiled)(he got up) yes oh my fucking god I feel great thank you miss?(she nods) I'm queen Stella (he bows) I'm biltzo (he shakes her hand) nice to meet you your highness

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