(The date Octavia pov)

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(I blushed seeing takeashi again he was handsome in the new clothes I got him I'm glad he wears it I love his eyes smile and jokes but somehow he kinda reminds me of the idiot that try to flirt or scare me again I don't wanna think about that jerk again now that I'm with this sexy man I meet at the club my feathers felt hot again I giggled I never felt so good in my life before I wonder how dad felt when he is in heat before the cheating on mom thing happened I always check on dad for a long while and mom too I already let blitzo be my dad for a long months since his daughter was never around anymore sad part is he has no idea where she at the last time he saw her was that she hangs out with some weird buff hellhound wolf name vortex which is more weird and a bit off cause his eye color seems to look like hers I should ask loona if she ever felt that guy look like her or something don't wanna her hurt feelings at all I'll leave it alone until I'm ready to see her as takeshi looks at me smirking I blushed again and close the dojo door I set him with and sat by him since my boss is giving me a 50 minutes break) so how long you live here in Tokyo?(he scratched his head and smiled) I been living her for 7 days I live in a nice dojo hut from my grandmother she really nice but sadly she passed away from a bad sickness it broke my heart to hear about it I never saw my mother once nor heard from her I do have a brother and twin sister but I still don't remember what happen afterwards (she gasped) oh my god I'm sorry to hear I really know how that feels but what happen to your dad?(he sighed) he left us for another women my mother killed him and cursed him she knew he would do that after we were born my mom never finds a mate ever since that happen I never wanna think about it again(she hugs him for comfort she straddling on his lap he felt her grinding on him blushing red again) uhhh princess shouldn't you be working or doing something(he gasped arching his back) no I'm on my break now we got plenty of time I'm sorry I'm like this is cause my heat hasn't stopped yet I'll stop if you want me too(he shook his head he felt her taking off her side panty strings and he unzipped his pants and shoves into her moaning he thank god that they around are 10 feet away from the crowd from hearing them mate she moan and he started move his hips up and down panting she unties the kimono she wear showing her bare breast again panting the same like him leaning down while he holds her to him while thrusting fast she moans loud and panting faster feeling him going crazy and heated feeling his sadness go away) aaaaaahhhhhhh yes thank you for your comfort princess aaaaaaahhhhhhh but don't this spoiled the sadness mood aaaaaaahhhhhhhh(she grunted playful moving her hips slamming down on him) aaaaaahhhh I'm sorry I don't wanna you to think I'm a whore for asking this anytime I want it's my fault that my heat never went away and got worse since that jerk clown kissed me with a sexual heat curse aaaaaaaaahhhh ooooohhhhh yes don't stop baby aaaaaahhh yes(he kept going faster and faster until he came hard she moaned too and lays there on his chest panting and blushing in shame he pets her back and head) aw there's need for tears sweetie nor call yourself a whore ever your fine it's normal to feel that way hell even horny humans feel the same when they meet some beautiful or sexy to fuck or love in life I see you as a beauty with a heart plus I already see you as my mate and gf (he blushed she tears in joy) yes that's true heh but I made a decision I want to be your mate (he stopped looks up at her eyes smiling) you do?(She nodded) yes I do not because of sex but you proved me that your not a jerk and I like that into a guy(she sniffed and hugs him) plus you are great at for Accepting me for who I am and by the way did you wear a condom?(he blushed hard) yes I did princess I didn't want you to get pregnant plus I bearly know you I never meet your parents before we should be dating more then 7 or 8 days for them to get use to me maybe be married to each other?(he blushed she smiled to his knowledge of what he is saying) wow your right your really smart!?(she smiled and then gives him kisses on the face and lips he felt love hearts in his eyes making a silly cartoon love sick face making her laugh) come lover boy we got another date after my work by the way we still need to clean up our mess(she blushed he nodded and helped her out giving her the perfume to spray the air and helping get cleaned up and himself too dressed nicely for a another date after her work) shall we got to the places you wanted to go princess? (He looks at her) yeah I always wanted to go there and now my wish came true better then loo loo land god that place terrorized me badly when I was a kid but I mostly blame my dad for not watching me better then that hmmmppm!?(he felt hurt but he too forgot that place is already dead when things never got to be that popular much anymore he let that go plus he wanted to make a new popular park or something to make more better money then a Lucifer park ) oh my what happened there sweetie?(he pretends to be terrified too she sighed) I been traumatized from the tall jester bastard jerk that scared me when I was little my father didn't know I was Afraid of clowns and other dark places like that I didn't want to hurt his feelings knowing that I didn't want to to come be near anything that scares me badly I was so young when that happened I never been around anything that scares me then enjoying it I just cried and cried a lot until a imp came to me comforting until my dad finally picked me up I never been so scared in my life like that before it's worse then my parents fights and yells at home since the cheating has been going on so I never wanted to go back to relive like that ever again(she sniffed he felt pain now knowing he did scared her badly he didn't know she was scared the whole time felt like a jackass for it he was about to cry but he can't give away his Identity yet until it's time to Reveal the truth he doesn't want to hurt her even more he is very in love with her to let go not now(he holds her) don't worry sweetie I'm here with you I couldn't never let things take the best out of you already been through worse then me I want you to heal and feels safe ok let's go have our third date at the blossom park at the festival you wanted to go (he smiled wiping her tears giving her a kiss deeply and helps her get dress in a new kimono as he did too)

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