Chapter 6 . . . \\ Please //

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Hitoshis eyes flickered open slowly before he sat up as quickly as he could. Looking around he realised he was in a medium sized room with white walls and a single desk fan beside him, making clicking noises as it turned from side to side.
It was a dimly lit room with no windows making it impossible for Hitoshi to know what time of day it was.
Reaching for his back pocket his phone was gone and his gun too.

"The bastard" Hitoshi cursed under his breath to not draw any attention his way
Although he was confused by the fact he hasn't been restrained, he went with it and quietly made his way out of the bed and towards the door.
Placing an ear to it he heard nothing but silence.
"I must be unguarded too... Weird"

Hitoshi had been kidnapped before, this wasn't anything new but it was definitely strange, it didn't feel like a kidnapping at all.

Walking out of the door, sneaking down a small empty hall he made his way into a large room that held a huge rounded desk with multiple chairs around it.
One that looked like those government meeting desks from the movies.
He laughed to himself not being able to take it seriously before he heard a voice echo from outside the room with footprints growing closer.

Looking around desperately Hitoshi bolted down below the desk, waiting for the person to leave
But with that said, more voices were heard that soon entered the room.
Every chair became filled with people but one, Hitoshi had little to no room left so he decided to move a little closer to the empty space covering his mouth to stay silent as the room grew almost dead like, not a single sound heard.
Then footsteps. Loud footsteps, grew closer and closer to where Hitoshi sat, trying to move as far from the seat as possible he had realised he had no room to move.
He was done for, he was going to be caught.
"Shit..." He mumbled as the seat was pulled back, a man sitting in it and tucking himself into the desk slightly.
Hitoshi was placed dead smack in the middle of this mans legs, if he chose to cross his legs or even close them, Hitoshi would be found.
Looking up at the man the purple haired boy looked down in anger.
It was Izuku.
He was dressed in a grey suit with his hair done nicely.
If anything he looked stuck up.
Then looking up at the boys face again Hitoshi froze, Izuku was looking right at him with a confused expression before it relaxed into a smirk
Anger bubbled in Hitoshi again the boy looked away and placed his legs to be side by side to hitoshis arms as if to mess with him yet the hold was strong and Hitoshi didn't dare to move.

Soon enough everyone had left the room and Izuku ordered the last person to close the door behind him.
Hitoshi then pulled his body away from his legs and crawled out from under the desk, turning to face the male with an angry look.

Izuku chuckled sitting back comfortably in his chair and undoing his tie, now, taking off his suit shirt leaving him in a white button up shirt.
As he began to speak, his hands moved around in his hair messing it up to what it usually looked like
"That's better, I don't really like doing the whole formal thing"

Hitoshi scoffed smacking a hand against the desk,
"Stop fooling around! Where am I you lunatic, why did you bring me here!?"

Izuku rolled his eyes and stood up, placing his tie and suit shirt down on the desk before making his way to Hitoshi
"I brought you here for a good reason, relax, I would have asked but you seem to like your rivalry."
He laughed before continuing
"Plus it was fun"

"You're crazy" Hitoshi said with Izuku nodding in response,

"We need you here though, that's no lie, so please just hear me out"

Izukus voice turned into a soft tone, an almost pleadingful tone that made Hitoshi sigh, not being able to refuse to at least hear him out.
Hitoshi then sat down and told the green haired male to continue in which he did,

"Right now you're in a agency called the 5.0, it's an agency that vigilantes like myself work in. It may be large in size but there are only 20 people including myself who work here.
Us vigilantes aren't well known by neither villains or heros nor other vigilantes. At times some civilians or reporters tend to catch up on us and write an article or two but of course they aren't always that bright so we let them write whatever they want.
Anyways, our agency is different from any other agency, good or bad, you've ever seen. And we may be vigilantes but we are here working towards something big"

Izuku paused for a moment before sitting as well, looking at Hitoshi before continuing on.

"Amongst pro heroes are organisers that run every hero agency in all of Japan. Of course the pro heros run most of what happens in this agency but the big bosses control them all. Recently we had Intel from one of our on that these big bosses are all planning on running all the pro hero agencies down into the ground. They plan on removing all heros in Japan.
Of course you may wonder why we care about something like this especially since alot of vigilantes work for their own benefits and wants but this is far greater. If all heros are removed from the picture villains will run wild, us vigilantes will be no where in the world for we need a balance of good and evil as does the rest of us. The heros have no clue this is happening and the villains would only want it to happen more. We are all Japan has. There may only be a limited amount of us but together we can do this. With you. We can do this"

Izuku finished leaving the room in silence before taking Hitoshis hands squeezing them gently to show his plead

"What do you say? Will you help us?"

Hitoshi yanked his hands away and stood up beginning to pace backwards and forwards in the room

"No that's impossible. How am I even supposed to believe you!? You kidnapped me and brought me here just to involve me in a plan that could change Japan and the world instantly. Why do you need me anyways there's plenty of you guys!"

Izuku then made his way up the Hitoshi and stood Infront of him stopping him in his tracks

"You don't need to believe me or help just know we'd really appreciate it and you'd be treated nicely here we have good food and good rooms.
Think about it alright? Come find me in an hour and if you still want to leave I'll take you"

Hitoshi froze before nodding, watching Izuku then make his way out of the room closing the door the purple haired male sat down again placing his head on the table
He wasn't sure what exactly was happening but he knew he had a choice to make.
One that could possibly change his life, forever.

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