Chapter 7 . . . \\ Decided //

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Being left alone in the room for almost an hour Hitoshi had come to a conclusion. With that decided he stood up from where he sat and moved towards the closed door.
He had to find Izuku and let him know what decision he had come to.
Twisting the cold metal knob listening to it click quietly for every inch it was turned until a slightly louder pop echoed from the door indicating it was now ready to be pulled opened.
Swinging the door open he took a deep breath and walked through the hallway that just like before was empty.
For only a twenty person organisation, it sure was a large place.
Hitoshi didn't know how they hadn't been discovered yet but he brushed it off having it not be apart of what he was doing in that moment.

On his way through the halls he looked around confused. He didn't know where to find Izuku.
Soon enough spotting a person, he built up his courage and walked up to them.

"Do you know where Izuku is" he spoke boldly.
The person had a very confused expression planted on their pale face.
The male wore a white formal suit and a grey tie that hang down like it was stiff.

"His office. He seems really mad though I don't recommend bothering him. His own guard left with a bloody nose"

The man spoke in a dull tone, like he was exhausted yet he still provided a finger pointed in the direction of where Izuku was.
After speaking with Hitoshi he made his way down the other end of the hall.
Ignoring his warning he made his way down the hall quickly now standing Infront of the office.

Slowly reaching for the door knob he froze moving his hand back at the sound of a thump and then another and another.
Hitoshi stood in confusion placing his knuckles against the wooden door four short knocks echoing around the empty hall leaving the room ahead of him dead silent.

"Who is it."

The voice was familiar, he knew it was Izuku but the tone was cold and cruel. Hitoshi wouldn't admit such a thing out loud but he felt almost intimidated by it. By him.

"Forgotten me already huh?" He cooed out in a teasing way causing a chuckle to leave the room, the door clicking unlocked creaking open to show Izuku.
He pulled the purple haired male inside shutting the door and locking it once again.

The green eyed boy had blood dripping down his hands. His knuckles bright red and his hands cut up.
Scanning the room he saw broken glass on the floor and a wooden chair snapped into pieces across the room.

Taking the boys hands be scanned over them and sighed

"What are you a child? God what happened?" Hitoshi said sternly, shoving the male over to his seat avoiding the broken glass and other items on the ground.

"Shut up you wouldn't understand" he scoffed pulling himself away from Hitoshi, turning his seat to face away for the boy.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes taking in a deep breath before approaching the situation a little differently.

"Try me, I've been through alot" he chuckled tapping the back of the chair
And with no response Hitoshi turned the chair back and placed his hands above the male sitting in it making sure they were making eye contact.

Sighing the male turned his head and began to speak.

"My only family left passed away this morning. A villain attacked near her home and in the process she was crushed under her collapsing home"
He laughed but even Hitoshi could here the pain through it.

He never really liked people but he sympathized with Izuku placing his hand on his shoulder, Izukus attention back on Hitoshi as he spoke

"I understand how you feel. All my family is gone and the only person I cared for most, someone I saw as family passed away not too long ago as well" he showed a soft smile patting the boys shoulder before taking his bleeding hands again.

"Do you have any bandages or something? A medic?" He asked as the male pointed towards a small draw on the left side of his desk,

"There is a first aid kit inside. It's new so it should have whatever you need. For the record I don't need your help" he scoffed as if to show restraint yet he didn't move away.
Hitoshi reached inside the draw and opened the kit pulling out bandages, Betadine, bandage tape and a few patches.

Once putting the Betadine on the patches and placing them over his knuckles and hands to cover his wounds he wrapped his hands in bandages and tapped them to ensure they wouldn't come undone.

"There that sound help. We'll have to keep doing this for a few days and letting it air out while you shower and during the day or even just while you sleep. If it gets too sore let me know"
Getting lost in thought Hitoshi then stood up

"Come on let's clean this place up a bit, actually no, you sit and rest I'll clean up"
Izuku sat in confusion before his face lit up,
"YOU'RE STAYING?" He questioned excitedly
"Yeah, I am" Hitoshi laughed leaving the room to find something to clean up the glass and broken wood.

On the way out Hitoshi saw that there two men outside the room
He didn't know why but he figured they were hearing in
'tch. Nosy bastards' he thought before being poked,
The males smiled softly causing Hitoshi to relax wondering what they wanted.
Then they Began to speak

"Thank you for looking after him, we'll take it from here"
The purple haired male nodded in silence a little greatful he didn't have to clean it all up
"Uh but can you possibly try and get him to bed?" They whispered
"He'll need all the rest he can get and since you're staying he doesn't have much work to worry about"
Hitoshi nodded again not wanting to speak back.
Entering the room again he moved around the glass and got the boy to stand
"Lets go rest instead" he spoke grabbing his arm
He pulled him across the room noticing that the boy was confused but not fighting it

"Rest? What?" He questioned before letting out a understanding sigh as they walked past the two men who asked Hitoshi to do this in the first place.

Hitoshi didn't really know his way around so he guided the male to the room his was once in when he woke up.

"This isn't my room, this is yours" he spoke still making his way inside letting Hitoshi place him on the bed
The purple haired male could see how worn out he was
It was strange that everyone seemed to be overworked

"I know but it'll do right? Go ahead and rest we can just share a bed but if you're uncomfortable I can sleep on the ground I really don't mind"
Shutting the door and locking it he made his way over the the male again who shook his head in disagreement
"No, no, this is your bed I couldn't possibly ask of that, come lay down" he said closing his eyes and tapping the space beside him.

Hitoshi did as he was told and layed down beside the male facing the other way as to not make things awkward or uncomfortable for the both of them.

To think Hitoshi was now sharing a bed with the person he once felt so much hatred for, now it was a different feeling yet he couldn't quite figure out what to call it
All he knew was he was more comfortable around the boy.
He smiled turning a bit to see that izuku had already fallen asleep. Laughing slightly he turned back freezing at a touch, the male behind him had wrapped his arms around Hitoshi and pulled him closer.
He was going to move away but he didn't want to risk hurting the male or waking him up so he stayed.
Now closing his eyes assuming it had grown late he began to rest once again with the males body against his own helping him drift off to rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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