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"Karma. Wake up."

"Ngh..." Karma twitched, slowly opening his sleepy eyes. "What..."

"Well. A fine morning to you."

Karma sat up, flinching at the sudden sting of his arm. "Asano-kun..."

"It's convenient timing for my father to go on a sudden business trip." Asano said, sitting at the edge of the bed. He smirked. "Your hair is a mess."

Karma groaned. "I'm sleepy..."

"I don't intend on missing a day of school."

"You're...going to leave me?"

Asano scratched his cheek, averting his gaze. "Well...I'll only be gone for a short while—"

"No!" Karma desperately clung onto Asano's arm. "No, no, no, no..."

Asano sighed. It's been like this for an entire week. He always managed to convince Karma that he wasn't alone, and that the maids were here with him, but he suspected that that reason was starting to wear off.

"Karma. As leader of Class A, I must go."

Karma gripped Asano's hand, his face bright red. His heart pounded against his chest. He didn't feel comfortable with the thought of Asano leaving the house.

He looked up at Asano, who gave him an expressionless stare in return.

"One kiss, then..." Karma muttered, dropping his chin. "Then you can leave. And come back quickly, of course!"

Asano released a short puff through his nose. "Alright."

He lifted the redhead's chin and locked their lips together. Karma instantly tensed, feeling Asano's warmth coarse through his body.

"There. Satisfied?"

Karma nodded, and Asano stood up. "Alright then. I'll see you later, then."


As Asano exited the house, he thought back to Karma's behavior throughout the last week.

He's definitely not in his right mind...he would never act so...timid, and needy, when he's himself. Should I take him a therapist of sorts?

"Asano-San." His butler kindly gestured towards the car. "You must ride for us to leave."

"Ah. Yes." Asano got inside, and looked back at his home. "Karma..."

. . .

"Asano-kun!" The strawberry-head was greeted by a hug given by a boy a head taller than he was. "You're finally here..."

"Karma." Asano sternly pulled him away. "Why didn't you eat at all today?"

"I don't like eating when Asano-kun isn't here..."

"You're going to lose weight. Stop it, and eat properly."


Asano patted the boy's head. "Have you eaten dinner?"


"Then let's eat, then."

Karma nodded, and stared at Asano's school bag wistfully.

"Karma?" The redhead flinched. "What's wrong?"

"Ah, it's nothing." Karma turned around and walked towards the dining table. "What's for dinner?"

As they ate, Asano noticed the other boy slightly picking at his food.

"Why aren't you eating?"

"I don't have an appetite."

Asano set his chopsticks down. "Karma. You haven't eaten all day."

"I...I'll be going to bed, then." Karma stood up from his seat, and walked out of the room.

Asano watched his back before standing up as well. He bowed to his maids as gratitude for making their food, before rushing after him.

"Karma." He firmly took hold of his wrist, bringing the redhead to a halt. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."



Asano flinched as the other slapped his hand away. He was staring at the strawberry-head with furrowed eyebrows, much to his surprise.

"I said I was FINE." He snapped. "I'm just...sleepy..."

"...I see." Asano saw Karma's eyes slightly reflect the light above them.

Karma walked towards the bed and went on his back, covering himself with the sheets. Asano was worried, so he slowly laid down beside him. He moved his body so that he faced Karma's back. He scooted closer, making the bed creak slightly.



"Turn around."

He hesitated at first, before turning his body until they were face-to-face. Asano narrowed his eyes as Karma averted his gaze.

"Now. Tell me what's wrong."

"..." Karma met Asano's eyes for a second, before looking away once again.

Asano sighed. "Alright, then. Go to sleep."

"Wait!" Karma blurted out, before Asano even moved. His hand thrusted out and grabbed onto Asano's arms.

"What is it?"

"...just...until I fall asleep."


"N-No, don't leave me even after I fall asleep!" Karma said, shaking his head. "Stay with me tonight..."

Asano observed the other's face.

Time and experiences sure changes a person...

"Hm. Only if you tell me what's wrong with you."

Karma squeezed his hands, closing his eyes tight. "...I've been...having nightmares..."


"About Mom and Dad..." Karma whispered. "Th-There. Happy?"

"Not in the least. Why haven't you told me?"

"Because then you might send me to some therapist or dream doctor! I don't want to separate from you." Karma replied, his grip tight. "Not like I did with Mom..."

Asano stayed silent for a split second, sorting through his thoughts.

"I see..." Asano reached up and caressed Karma's cheek. "Was that all?"

"Uh huh..."

"You truly are an idiot." Asano muttered. Karma moved closer until their arms were wrapped around each other.

"Mm, you smell nice..."


Asano closed his eyes, relaxing his body.


"What is it?"

"I really, really like you..."

Though Karma had never said it upright, Asano had suspected it. Why else would the boy kiss him, hug him, cling onto him, etc? Asano wasn't that much of an idiot.

"Is that so. I thought it was mere interest."

"Surprise~..." Karma said weakly, feeling his face burn bright red.

The smell of the sheets calmed Asano's nerves as he silently gave Karma a kiss on the forehead.

I don't particularly hate you either...

Under My Control {Karma x Asano}Where stories live. Discover now