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"I can't believe this is happening." I said barely audible, resting my head on the airplane seat.

"You and me both" admitted my bandmate, Nikolai, the guitar of our band.

The third member, Kristina, the vocals, was deep asleep.

We were on our way to Rotterdam, Eurovision 2021, representing Macedonia.

Years as teens, we spent on practicing and small gigs, now we were set to play on one of the biggest events of the year. No need to be nervous. None whatsoever.

We weren't a particular favorite in our country, we were folklore based but we used a rock/metal twist, which usually led to being called Satanists or druggies. The added factors of Nikolai wearing skirts to all our gigs and Kristina usually ending up without a shirt, let's say the older generations did not like us.

Although, the teenagers love us.

After we filmed a couple of stories for Instagram, Kristina drooling, Nikolai downing a cup of tomato juice, and me getting locked in the bathroom, we arrived in Rotterdam.

On the way to the hotel, our manager, Sofija, was sitting in the front seat, while Nikolai, Kristina, and I were squeezed in the back.

"Damn." said Kristina, extending the 'a' while she said it, more dramatically, while the taxi pulled up in front of the lavish hotel.

"Oh we're going to have a great time" yelled Nikolai, laughing through his words as he got out of the small taxi.

When we all got out of the taxi, we got out our luggage from the trunk of the car and made our way into the hotel.
We had a full week untill our first performance, scheduled with rehearsals and interviews.

As our manager was talking with the employee, identifying us so we could get our key to our room, we started to talk to each other about the other contestants' music.

"Finland has awesome songs dude they're one of the best" Nikolai slouched against the hotel counter.

I was opposite of him and Kristina was next to me.

"You can't be serious, have you heard Ukraine, their music is god-sent." Kristina admitted.

"Guys, calm down, we all can agree that Italy has the best music, have you ever heard L'altra dimensione." I admitted, the Italians were the best, after us of course.

"You butchered that pronunciation but thanks" a lovely voice with an Italian accent came from behind me.

A beautiful woman, with dark blonde hair and beautiful eyes, was standing behind me with a smile on her face.

Three men were behind her, another dark blonde with bangs too, just shorter hair than the woman's, one with curly dark hair that reached his shoulders and an amazing jawline, and the one farthest from me had long dark hair braided into four french braids, it looked so healthy.

'I have to ask him for his hair care routine' I added a mental note to my brain.

"I'm sorry, I don't know Italian at all, we used to learn English and French in school though?" I said, that was embarrassing as hell why am I explaining so much.

"Tu parles français?" talked the man with curly hair.

"Passe compose?" I replied. I said we used to learn, not that we learned.

"It is okay I was only joking." the woman smiled again.

"Måneskin I'm guessing?" I asked the band in front of me.

"One and only" replied the man with the curly hair, sending a smirk towards Kristina.

"Collateral damage, right?" talked the man with the dark blonde hair.

"You bet ya" replied Nikolai now.

"I've got the keys guys, we going?" the keys made a noise as Sofija grabbed them from the counter.

"See you guys again!" said Kristina to the rockers in front of us, who, now looked far from rockers in their sweatpants and t-shirts, but so did we.

"See you" replied the curly-haired man, sending another smile towards Kristina.

The only one who hadn't talked was the long-haired one, the one with the braids.

'Maybe he's just shy' I thought to myself.

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