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We were in our room, Collateral damage and Måneskin.

Nikolai was taking a shower, Kris was laughing at Damiano while he tried to even out his eyeliner, Thomas and Vic were talking something about music, and I was sat on Ethan's lap, doing his eyeliner.

"Fuck" Yelled Damiano, scaring me, making me mess up Ethan's eyeliner for the second time.

"You yell once more and I'll commit mass murder." I glared at Damiano.

"Ethan, be careful you might like a serial killer." He rolled his eyes.

Thomas and Vic were laughing at us, and Kris went to the living room, taking some snacks and coming back.

I had already put on the Victorian-style blouse, the flared jeans, black doc martens, added some dark makeup, and was done.

Ethan wore the same blouse but in scarlet, leather pants, doc martens, a bunch of rings, and chains.

I had already straightened his hair and mine, after I finished his makeup and the rest had gotten ready, we went to the parking lot and rode to the club.

When we arrived, Kris noticed a cool building and made me take photos of her, so I did and the rest made their way towards the club.

Ethan noticed we weren't following them and asked me "Why aren't you coming?"

"I'm going to take photos of Kris, we'll come right away" I said and pecked him on the cheek.

"Okay" he smiled.

"You like him a lot, don't you?" asked Kris, smiling like crazy.

"Of course I do, wouldn't be with him if I didn't" I replied laughing a little.

"That's the problem, be careful, you guys only have three days then we're going back Eva" she hugged me "You guys need to talk about it." She continued.

"I know, I've been ignoring that, I don't want to think about it, first I'll get piss drunk tonight, we'll talk tomorrow." I said to her.

"Great, now take photos of me, I look smoking hot" She handed me her phone and laughed.

I took a bunch of photos of her and we entered the club.

The rest were sitting where we sat the last time, so we went up the stairs to them.

Ethan sat at the end of the sofa, next to him was Thomas, then Nikolai, Victoria, and Damiano. Vic got up and asked me and Kris, "I'm going down to the bar, do you guys want to come?"

"Yeah sure" I said, Kris decided to stay.

We passed dancing bodies, covered with expensive perfume and cologne.

Some tried dancing with us but we just declined and moved on.

When we arrived at the bar, we sat on the high stools, the bar dividing us and the wall full of alcohol.

The worker asked us something, not understanding I said "English?"

"Yeah, I asked what would you like?" smiled the bartender.

"Glass of straight whiskey, and, what do you want?" I asked Vic.

She replied, looking at the bartender, "Same as her."

We started talking about the Grand Finale. She was just as nervous as me, but also excited.

While we were talking, two men came up behind us, one of them asked something, but we didn't understand him so we just continued our conversation.

"Oo, tourists, we could show you around?" said one of them, while the other one laughed and said "Specifically our flats" as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I looked him straight in the eyes and spat, "If you don't remove that fucking hand, I will snap it in half."

"Sure thing, pretty girl." He laughed. God, he was disgusting. He wore some tacky dress shirt, the ugliest pair of ripped jeans I had ever seen, sports sneakers, and to top it off a gold chain around his neck.

The other guy was doing the same to Vic, so we just looked at each other, both standing up at the same time.

"Hey darling." Ethan put his arm around me and kissed me, not just a peck, full-on made out with me, while the guys just stared and Vic laughed.

"Sorry man didn't know she was yours." Said the guy that was bothering me.

"She's not mine you fucking moron, she's her owns, now get the fuck out of here before I teach you that lesson the hard way.

"Okay okay, no trouble." They said as they backed up.

"I hate men." said Ethan as he glared at them, I just laughed and said, "You are one though."

"I hate men like them, sorry" his face softened when he looked back at me, returning to his sweet self.

"You have nothing to apologize for." I hugged him.

"I am feeling very left out, so I'm just going to take this" Vic said, grabbing her glass, "And go."

"Sorry" I laughed as I and Ethan followed her.

We drank the entire night, danced way too much, and when it came time to go home we took a taxi, the seven of us. Yes, the seven of us in one taxi.

We were all sat on someone else's lap and there was a lot of pushing and laughing.

When we arrived at the hotel we went to Måneskin's room and continued drinking.

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