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A knock on the door woke me up.

I made my way towards it, ignoring my hair which was all over the place.

When I opened the door I saw Ethan in front of it, a worried look on his face. He had dark circles under his eyes, he probably didn't get much sleep, I didn't even know what time is it.

"Morning, come in." I said to him, rubbing my eyes.

"Buongiorno" he probably forgot the fact that I don't speak Italian.

Nikolai got out of the bedroom, probably half-asleep, and asked what was going on, to which I raised my shoulders. He went back into the bedroom and probably said something to Kris which was barely audible to us.

"What happened?" I asked as we sat down on the sofa.

"Have you opened Instagram?" so we're answering questions with questions, great.

"No, wait." And I turned on my phone. My explore page was filled with the same picture of me and Ethan, holding hands in the hotel, it was probably taken before we said good night.

"Fuck" I put my face in my hands.

"Mi dispiace." he said, I turned my head towards him, I had no clue what he said, but, he continued, "I'm sorry."

"You aren't the one to blame, whoever took the photo is." And I again took his hand in mine, and he again started to form circles on mine. "I'm not even that mad, it just looked like we lied to our fans yesterday, I mean we are friends, we didn't lie." I let his hand out of mine.

"Yeah, friends." He slouched on the sofa.

"We are friends, right? A rumor shouldn't bother us that much?" I questioned.

"Of course we're friends, plus we kind of signed up for this, literally." He smiled a little. The happiness that I adored so much returning to his face slowly.

"True." I laughed. "Well, at least we can joke about it?"

I also slouched on the sofa next to him, but as we sat there, I didn't want to be just friends. Maybe friends that hold each other's hands? Yeah, that sounded good.

As if he read my thoughts, he took my left hand in his right, calming me down.

"Do friends like us hold hands, or blush every time they see each other?" I asked him, not even having the courage to look at him but somehow I lost control over my mouth.

"I hope they do."

"I hope too."

We sat like that for a short while, well at least until Ethan's phone rang and he had to leave for rehearsals.

"See you" I waved at him as he left the room.

"Goodbye." He said with a little smile.

As I entered the bedroom Kris and Nikolai abruptly got up and asked me what had happened.

"Last night, we had held hands and I guess someone was able to take a photo because we're trending." I formed my lip in a straight line as I got in my bed again.

"For Christ's sake can't people mind their own business for once." Kris said rolling her eyes.

"Honestly it doesn't even matter, we will film some videos as we practice later and people will forget about it, plus we made it clear we are only friends." I paused, "As we were holding hands again." I sighed

Nikolai was just staring at me the entire time, when I finished he came on my bed and hugged me, Kris doing the same.

"This shit is too confusing, I'm going back to sleep, wake me up an hour before we have to go."

Nikolai couldn't contain a straight face and joked "Do you sleep through all your problems?"

"Well" I started to answer "basically, yeah."

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