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As we were waiting in the lobby, Blind Channel had passed and we chatted a bit.

After a couple of minutes Måneskin arrived.

Ethan wore a white dress shirt tucked into black flared jeans, black heels with a huge platform and heel, and an oversized leather jacket. Black eyeshadow and eyeliner surrounded his eyes, giving them more depth. The rest wore similar clothes, with some pop of color from time to time.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting, Thomas was on the phone with his girlfriend" yelled Damiano as they made their way towards us. The rest just laughed and Thomas blushed a little.

"So, where are we going?" Asked Kristina after we all hugged eachother.

"Well, we were thinking of either going to a restaurant, or, clubbing" answered Victoria.

"Clubbing." All of us said in union.

"Clubbing it is then" smiled Ethan.

"Okay, let me just order a cab." Nikolai grabbed his phone.

"No need, we've rented motorbikes, you guys can ride with us." Damiano exclaimed.

As we made our way towards the parking lot, Kristina nudged me and winked at me.

When we arrived, four motorbikes were waiting for us, black and huge. Perfect for a bunch of rockers.

"Kris, if you want you can come with me." Damiano suggested, getting on his motorbike. Kristina accepted and got with him.

"Evangelina, want to come with me?" Ethan asked from the left of me.

"Yes, sure" I smiled at him.

When he gave me the helmet, I wasn't able to properly secure it, so he helped me.

We got on the motorbike and I put my hands on the seat.

"You are going to fly off like that." He laughed as he referred to my hands.
And so, I listened to him and put my arms around his torso.

The moment the motorbikes started, the cold air hit my body.

I loved it though, it gave me a sense of freedom.

The added fact that Ethan was a great driver and wasn't afraid of going fast made everything even more fun.

His body was quite warm compared to the cold wind.

We slowed down and pulled up to a luxurious building.

The motorbikes were parked close by, and we made our way towards the building, skipped the entire line somehow, and when we got to the door all we had to do was, well, all Damiano had to do, was tell the person at the door that we are with them.

"Perks of being a contestant?" he chuckled as we made our way in.

As we were going through the hall, muffled music played. It was slow and heavy, yet had a strong beat to it, the hall was dark with red lights accentuating our most prominent features.

We entered a large room, a dance floor in the middle, bar at the far right, and on each corner of the left side were stairs leading to a balcony sort of second floor.

"That is our spot." Victoria pointed to the second floor with a soft nudge of her head.

As we made our way up the stairs, I noticed the people on the dance floor, all looked expensive and drunk.

The second floor wasn't as big as the first, there were only two tables, each with round sofas surrounding them.
We sat around one of them, while some people I didn't know sat on the other.

I was sitting next to Ethan again, so we started talking.

"How did you guys even find this place?" I questioned with a chuckle.

"Victoria actually found it on Instagram, and we texted the club owner, told him we would visit while we are here." He answered me.

"I have to admit it's pretty awesome." Looking down at the people dancing.

As we were drinking I saw Damiano, Kristina and Nikolai make their way down to the dance floor.

Damiano and Kristina had started dancing with eachother, while Nikolai was dancing with some random girl.

"I ship them so much" I laughed, referring to Damiano and Kristina.

"Me too." Ethan laughed. "He likes her, the first time we saw you guys yesterday he immediately started talking about her, and after last night he couldn't shut up."

"Same with Kristina, I hope they get together" I smiled looking down at them again.

I drank two glasses of whiskey so I wasn't that drunk, slightly tipsy, Måneskin only drank water since they were the ones driving, Kristina was full on drunk, and honestly, with Nikolai I couldn't even tell when he's drunk and when he's not.

"I'm going to go outside a little, want to come with me?" I asked Ethan.


The moment we exited the club the cold wind hit me again, this time forming goosebumps on my skin.

"Are you cold?" Questioned Ethan.

"A little, don't worry though."

But, he still took off his jacket and passes it to me. I put it on and thankfully smiled at him.

The jacket was already oversized for him, so when I put it on it reached my dress and it was an entire hand too long.

I jokingly hit his arm with the sleeve of the jacket and we laughed a little bit.

"A full moon." Said Ethan as we walked through the empty park. The pathway which we were following fit perfectly with the moon, it looked magical.

"It's so pretty" I said taking out my phone. "Let me take a picture."
We both stopped and I snapped a couple of photos. It looked beautiful in the photos too.

"Wait, come let's take a photo together." I smiled at him.

"Okay." He smiled a little.

We took a couple of selfies in front of the moon, then I spotted a rock and an idea immediately came to mind.

"Oh my god, come I have a hilarious idea" I laughed at my own stupid thoughts.

He only laughed and followed me.

As I was placing my phone on the ground I told him to stand on the rock, then I set a timer and quickly made my way to the rock. We took two pictures like that, the first one where we are sitting on it, looking all serious, while on the second we were standing on it, hands pressed to our bodies, like the dolls.

"Can I post this on Instagram, and get this" I started laughing "I will caption it 'rockers on a rock'" I laughed harder.

"It's so stupid, I love it." He laughed with me.

I posted it on my Instagram, and the pictures with the moon on the band's story.

After a couple of minutes of walking and talking, Damiano called Ethan and said that they were waiting for us so we could all leave together, so we made our way back towards the club and drove back to the hotel.

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