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'Vic, Damiano, and Thomas are going out tonight, I don't feel like going out, if you want you can come over, we can watch a movie?' was the first message I read when I woke up. It was from Ethan, he had sent it a couple of minutes before I woke up.

Today was the last day before our first performance, Kris and Nikolai had wanted to go out, but I wasn't in the mood, so I had told me that I would spend the night in.

"Hey, guys?" I asked to see if Kristina and Nikolai are awake. They both groaned so I continued "I'm going to go to Ethan's tonight, we'll watch a movie, the rest are going out."

Kristina lifted her head immediately and said "Opaa, she's all grown up, I feel so proud." And Nikolai choked a laugh. "I'll text Damiano if they want to go out with us" She said, now talking to Nikolai, "Since miss Eva has a date" she laughed.

"I hate you guys" I laughed too.

I finally replied to Ethan, 'Yep, I have rehearsals till nine, see you at ten?'

'Deal, my room is 212, see you.'

'See ya.'

By the time we got to our room from rehearsals, my legs hurt like living hell.

I took a shower, braided two French braids in my hair, put on black pajama shorts, a grey sweatshirt, and white converse.

Kristina and Nikolai also got ready and we all left together, they made their way towards the lobby and I turned the opposite way. As I was going to their room, I passed Vic, Damiano, and Thomas, we hugged each other and Thomas said something in Italian that made Vic and Damiano giggle.

When I arrived in front of room 212 I knocked twice and seconds later Ethan opened the door. He was also in black sweatpants and a grey t-shirt. His hair was down and he had some leftover eyeliner around his eyes.

I hugged him and we stayed like that, in the doorway. Every time I touched him I calmed down, relaxed.

"So, what movie are we watching?" I asked as I pulled out of the hug.

"Whichever one you want" he smiled as we made our way towards the sofa. The room layout was the same, the tv on the opposite wall of the sofa. He had prepared snacks on the table and as we sat down he said, "I didn't know what you like the most so I got a bunch of stuff" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I eat almost everything so you would have been right no matter what." I raised my shoulders and smiled.

We took a bowl of popcorn on the sofa and started watching Bomb City. I had brought my knees up to my chest, Ethan had one hand around my shoulders and we watched the entire movie like that.

Near the end of the movie I started crying, and when it ended, we stayed like that, and at some point when my eyes started to fall, he asked me "Do you want to go to sleep?" as he turned my head gently to face him, his hands were so warm and soft.

I murmured a "yes."

He gently lifted me, I was half-asleep so held me with both his arms as we made our way to the bedroom.

He laid me on his bed, kissed my forehead, said "buona notte" and started to leave the room when I asked him "Where are you going?" awaking more now that he wasn't next to me.

"I was," he paused, "I was going to sleep on the sofa."

"No, why? You can sleep with me?" I got confused.

As he got into bed he said, "I was not sure if you would be comfortable, that's why I started leaving."

"It's okay." I said as I brushed some of his hair out of his face.

I laid on half of his body, one of my hands on his arm and the other in his hair, while his arms were wrapped around my torso.

We slowly started to fall asleep, listening to the beating of each other's heart.

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