"Today was the Best"

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POV: Eva
We arrived at the mall, we walked inside and I asked Anna where she wanted to go first. "Hmmm maybe we can get something to eat first? I'm hungry and the drive was long." "Yea sure." I showed her where the food court was, there was so many selections to pick... McDonald's, Wendy's, Chipotle, but Anna picked Chick-fil-a, we ordered then sat down at our table. "Thank you for taking me here Eva." "Oh yea np, I really don't do anything so I've got the time." A couple minutes later our food was done, we ate and started walking again, we went to so many stores. I got a bunch of clothes and so did Anna, basically all of them had butterflies on them, "I'm guessing your favorite insect is a butterfly?" "Yea I love them a lot if you couldn't tell" I said pointing at my shirt, we both started laughing. We were done and headed back to the car to drive her home. 10 minutes in I looked to my side and saw Anna sleeping, I felt a small smile form on my face.

At Annas house

POV: Anna
I felt someone shaking me, ".....Anna wake up"
I looked to my left and saw Eva shaking me and telling me I'm home.I got up and got all my bags together, "do you want me to help you bring them in?" "Yes please I can't hold all of them by myself" she carried some of the bags to the front door and I opened it with my key, "wow your house is beautiful" " thank you." We walked in and I saw my mom sitting at the kitchen table, "Hi mom, this is Eva... the girl I told you about", "hello Eva nice to meet you" my mom said with a smile. They greeted each other and I showed Eva up to my room, "you can leave the bags at the door, thank you eva" "no problem, I have to go I wanna get everything together before we have to go to UCLA tomorrow, I guess I'll see you there" "ok bye Eva, and thank you again for today.... today was the best" "your welcome" she said with a smile. She stayed there for a minute, we were holding eye contact, and then I snapped out of it. "Ok I'm gonna go take my shower, I'll snap you later" "bye Anna". She walked out of my room.

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