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POV: Eva
I walked out of her room and went back to my car, while I was driving home I just thought about how well today went, it was the most fun I've had in a while. I really hope I have at least one class with her.
When I was back home I took a quick shower and got into my pajamas. It was about 9pm and I was going to sleep at 10:00, I decided to watch some anime before going to bed. I also have to wake up at 6:45 for my first day at UCLA, I was excited but also nervous because I've never been here before. While watching anime I dozed off.

I heard my alarm go off and I got up immediately, I really don't wanna be late. I snapped Anna and asked here if she wanted me to pick her up

Me: hey Anna do you want me to pick you up before I get to school?
Anna: yea please that would be nice thank you
me: np be ready by 7:20

I went into the shower and put on this outfit:

Side note: Eva is really pretty lol ok back to story

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Side note: Eva is really pretty lol ok back to story

I decided to curl my hair today since it was the first day, I wanted to look nice. I did my makeup and got everything together and went to the kitchen to make myself a waffle with a side of grape koolaid, it was 7:05 so I decided to leave and go pick up Anna.

POV: Anna Eva is gonna pick me up at 7:20 so I took a quick shower and put this outfit on:

POV: Anna Eva is gonna pick me up at 7:20 so I took a quick shower and put this outfit on:

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Again side note: she's hawt lol ok back to story

I left my hair natural for today. I walked downstairs and waited for Eva. I had a bagel for breakfast and said goodbye to my mom. I brought a Red Bull with me for the ride to school. I saw Eva pull up and I walked towards the passenger door. "Hey..."wow she looked amazing. "Hi Anna" I sat in the seat and we started driving, "I like your outfit" Eva said "same to you" "thank you" she had aux and started playing music, we had a similar taste in music which was kinda cool. We got to the school and went to the office straight away to get our schedules, "alright mine isn't too bad what classes do you have?" Says Eva I show her my schedule and we have 4 classes together, "oh nice we have a good amount of classes together" we walked to our first period and sat down.

The day went smoothly, it was now time for lunch and me and Eva had no where to sit we were walking g around until we heard someone call us, "HEY YOU GUYS CAN COME SIT OVER HERE" we turned are and saw there was a table full of girls. We walked over and sat down, "I'm Karina... Karina Prieto, this is Emmi, Juj, and Jordan. Me and Eva both introduced our selves. The girls were really cool, we got along very quickly. For the first school day it was not so bad at all.

At the end of the day me and Eva went back to her car, "hey do you think I can come over and hang at your house for a while?" She said. "Yea sure that's cool" she smiled at me and started driving. I found myself looking at her every once in a while and I think she noticed because she smiled and looked at me, I quickly looked back outside the window and I could tell I was blushing...... am I really catching feelings for someone I met like 3 days ago? I mean could you blame me she's stunning. The rest of the car ride was silent until we got there. I unlocked my door and we walked inside, I went up to my room and she followed right behind, "shoot I forgot to bring clothes to change into, do you have an extra sweatshirt or anything I can wear Anna? I wanna take a shower if that's okay with you", " yea I have and outfit you can probably wear" I went to my closet and got a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt, she took and said thank you then went in the shower.......

736 words
Hi beans:)

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