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It was the next day and so far everything went smoothly. I avoided pretty much every possible person I could. I couldn't believe I had 3 classes with Stiles so far, I have still yet to determine if that's a good thing or something bad. I think I might actually like Stiles. He has always been nice to me even though I have been a jerk. Anyways for the last period I had English. 

"Yeyyyy my favorite subject" I uttered sarcastically. 

I sat in my seat and as I waited for the class to begin and I could hear Stiles and Scott whispering about something. I didn't want to ears drop since that's rude but I did it anyway. 

"What are we going to do about the Alpha's"- Stiles

"I don't know, I talked to Derek and he said to leave it to him. After all he is the Alpha!!"- Scott.

"I don't trust Derek that dude scares me. Plus why do you think they are here in beacon hills, like what do they want?" - Stiles 

"I don't know okay, stop asking me about it. I need to concentrate I already missed a lot of classes last year and can't afford to fail this year. Plus all I know is the name of the leader of the Alpha pack and it was something like Deucalion if I remember right" Scott whispered.

As soon as I heard the name "Deucalion" I had memory flashes to June 19, 2012. The last word my father ever said was "Deucalion" and I have forgotten about it for all these years until now. I suddenly chocked on my saliva and I couldn't breathe. 

It felt like my airway was constricting. Memories started to flood I could hear the screams and see the fires. So I grabbed my belongings and ran to the girls locker room as tears fell from my eyes. I was trembling and all I think about was that day. Thankfully the locker room was empty and I was alone. I sat there for I don't know how long feeling numb. I couldn't believe after all these years one word could mess me up. 

After my parents died I had no one to help me with my transition so I had to learn control all by myself. I learned it the difficult way, every full moon gave me more strength and the urge to kill was strong and on my very first full moon I almost took out an entire carnival. The police report stated it as an animal attack but it was me. I also had to control myself from suicide because if I  die then I would become a blood sucking vampire and that's the last thing I needed. As years went by I learned control and  I have managed keep my identity a secret for many years now.

As I was sat on the floor of the locker room I heard the door creak open, I hid behind the locker. Due to my panic attack I had accidently transitioned and my claws were out and my eyes were glowing yellow.

"I can't let anyone see me, not like this"- Natalie

 So I tried to calm down and slow my breathing since it helps me gain control. I heard two heart beats and I sense fear from the two strangers and as I slowly turned the corner I was approached by two idiots.

"Do y' all have a death wish or something, sneaking up on a girl like that could get you killed" I stated angrily.

"And what are you doing with a baseball bat, do you think that's going to save your ass?" I asked Stiles confused.

"We just wanted to see if you were okay since you basically ran out of the classroom with tears, we were worried about you"- Stiles 

"Well..... Stiles wanted to know if you were ok, I said we should give her sometime alone but he didn't want to listen and he kind of dragged me here"- Scott.

"Well thanks for the concern but I' am fine and leave me alone okay also stop following me around"- Natalie

I was not in the mood for a therapy session, so I got my stuff and left without saying anything else. It was nice of them to care about me but I wasn't used to all that, for years no one has given a shit about me, no one cared if I was alright so why would they now? And plus all I could think about was finding out more about Deucalion. And when I find I' am going to kill him.

BETTER TOGETHER/// STILES STILINSKI (Teen wolf Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now