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It was the day of the lacrosse game against Devenford Prep Highschool. Apparently they have been rivals since the early days. I was in the car with Allison and Lydia while the boys and the rest of the team were in the school bus, 3 cars ahead of us. It was a long one hour drive and to make matters worse we got caught in the traffic.

"What's going on?"- I asked wondering why we have suddenly stopped moving.

"There's a traffic jam, probably due to an accident"- Lydia said

"So Natalie since we are probably going to be stuck in traffic for a while I think we should get to know you."- Lydia pronounce excited.

"Why did you move to Beacon Hills?"- Lydia

"Well my parents have always wanted to move to Beacon Hills and I might have destroyed a teachers classroom and gotten suspended, but he totally deserved it, he was an asshole. And since I got suspended my parents transferred me to Beacon Hills high for a fresh start"- Natalie

"Where do your parents work again?"- Allison questioned me. I had no idea what to tell them so I panicked and lied. "My parents run a business which requires them to always travel outside the country, so now they are in Mexico"- I lied. "So does that me you have the house all to yourself most of the time?" - Lydia asked turning her head towards me. "Yeah I guess, but I wished my parents were there, then I wouldn't feel lonely all the time"- I said with a fake smile on my face trying to hide my obvious misery.

We continued to talk more and suddenly Allison's phone started to make buzzing noises. It was Stiles calling her.

"Umm hey guys I think Scott is badly injured, like its getting worse"- Stiles exclaimed with a concerned voice.

"What do you mean? I thought he would have healed by now."- Allison replied.

"That's what I thought too but I think its getting worse and also Boyd and Isaac are loosing it with Aiden we need to stop somewhere"- Stiles

"Ask coach to stop near the gas station"- Lydia gave an idea.

Stiles ended the call and I could see the worry in Allison's face. 

"He will be alright Allison, Scott the strongest person I know"- Lydia reassured Allison that everything will be okay.

"Also are you two back together"- Lydia questions Allison. 

"Idk its complicated but I think so"- Allison

And at the same time me and Lydia responded with "Finally!!!!!". They both stared in my direction with a confused look. 

"What? I have shipped both of you since the first day I got to the school even a blind man could see that you both love each other and meant to be together"- I said with a smirk on my face.

Stiles must have somehow found a way to convince the coach and we finally stopped at the gas station. Me, Allison and Lydia rushed to help poor Scott and lead him to the restroom. Scott laid on the floor lifeless and Allison took his shirt off. He had claw marks running across the front of his body they looked pretty deep. 

"OMG what the hell happened"- I shriek with fear plastered all over my face. 

"He ran into a bear last night in the woods"- Allison lied not knowing I'm aware of their secret. I grabbed Stiles by his wrist and rushed outside to confront him. 

"What the hell happened? and don't even think about lying to me."- I whispered with a raging voice. 

"During the fight he was scratched by an Alpha, but he should have healed by now."- Stiles said looking down at the ground.

"A scratched from an Alpha takes longer to heal but your right it should have healed by now. I think he is not letting himself heal."-Natalie

"What do you mean he is not letting himself heal?"-Stiles.

"I think he blames himself for Derek's death and he is grieving. But it wasn't Scott's fault there was nothing he could have done"- Natalie. 

"OMG that makes sense"- Stiles. 

"If he doesn't heal right now he is going to die"- Natalie. 

We both rushed inside to a dying Scott......

"We need to take him to a hospital right now the wounds are infected."- Lydia said worried. 

"We won't reach the hospital in time especially not with all the traffic"- Stiles. 

"I have an idea, I have a needle kit in my luggage we can sew him to keep the wound sealed."- Allison. She went outside and Lydia followed her behind. 

Me and Stiles sat beside Scott on the floor. I could hear his heart slowing down, his breath was rising and he was shivering in pain. I held Scott's hand and closed my eyes. As soon as my eyes were shut I had dark black veins running through my body. 

"It worked"- I said with relief

 I was able to take away some of Scott's pain. It had been so long since I had taken away someone's pain so I wasn't sure it was going to work but it did. I guess deep down I do care about him. He was like a brother to me.

"What did you just do?"- Stiles looks at me with his mouth wide open. 

"I took away some of his pain" - I said with a small smile pinned to my face. 

"Wait werewolves can do that, that's so cool"- Stiles. 

"Yeah but it only works when you care about the person"- Natalie.

Allison and Lydia walked in and we left Allison with Scott. We waited anxiously outside the restroom for good news. Lydia went to sit on a bench nearby and me and Stiles were alone. 

"You came."- Stiles. 

"Yeah its not like I had anything better to do"- Natalie. 

"I have something else to tell you but your not going to be too happy about it"- Stiles. 

"What is it?"- Natalie. 

"We have another problem besides the whole Alpha situation, someone or something is sacrificing people for like a ritual. And there are a lot of people dying"- Stiles. 

" Sacrificing people for a ritual, Stiles that shit is not funny so if your making jokes just stop"- I said almost not believing him.

"I' am serious remember the time I told you about the Nemeton"- Stiles. 

"Yeah, how could I forget that was the only thing you talked about when you found out I was a werewolf. It's like a beacon for supernatural creatures"- Natalie. 

"Exactly and I think the whole sacrificing people have something to do with the Nemeton"- Stiles. 

"So who is sacrificing the people and why?"-- Natalie. 

"We still don't know the only thing we know are the 5 sacrifices being (virgins, warriors, healers, philosophers and guardians) and already the virgins and the warriors have been sacrificed."-Stiles.

 "This is too much, I can't do this right now"- I told Stiles as I went and sat inside the bus.

Scott had finally healed a little and had enough strength to walk on his own. Boyd and Isaac who had been on edge since the beginning of the trip had finally been let off the leash and they attacked Aiden. Scott had to intervene before anyone of them revealed their identities. Something about Scott amazes me. He is always putting himself out there for his friends, always gives people the benefit of the  doubt and he is selfless. I still couldn't shake off the fact that I saw his eyes glow red during the fight. 

Everyone finally got on the bus but it was already too late. The game had been cancelled due to the traffic jam. 

Allison left her car back at the gas station and they too sat in the bus. Since it was getting late coach decided to rent the cheapest motel he could find so we could all have a goodnight's rest. At least that's what everyone thought.

It was 7:00 pm when we arrived at the motel the neon sign said GLEN CAPRI. The motel looked old and creepy and it only had 10 vacant rooms so everyone had to pair up.

BETTER TOGETHER/// STILES STILINSKI (Teen wolf Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now