Now that You Know

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  • Dedicated to Emil Sabalvoro


By Rei-chu Asakura


Chapter 14: Now that You Know

“Could you stop pestering me even for a moment?!” Aoko exclaimed, swinging the baseball bat she grabbed from somewhere.

“Take it easy.” Kaito chuckled after dodging. “Why are you so agitated? I was just asking what was bothering you. You looked like you have a problem.” He sat down next to her on the spot she took to memorize the changes in the script.

“If ever I do have a problem, it doesn’t concern you. You won’t be able to solve it anyway!”

“Like I said, calm down.” His smile was still irritating to her, though.

“Geez, why is it so hot in here?” Aoko muttered to herself, ignoring the guy beside her.

“Oh, I get it! You’re one of those people who get irritated more when it’s hot, aren’t you? Here, let me--” He took out a hanky from his pocket and was about to wipe a drop of sweat on her forehead when she pushed his hand away.

“I’m fine. Just go away,” she said flatly.

“I won’t go away.” He grinned.

She couldn’t help but face-palm mentally. “What language does this guy understand, anyway?” When she decided to ignore him and focus on the script she was holding instead, he waved the handkerchief he was holding three times and it miraculously turned into a fan, which caught her attention. “Did you just do a magic trick?” she asked, a brow raised.

“Uhm, yeah, I suppose.” He chuckled again, sweat-dropping. “Uh, I learned that from my brother. Nothing much to worry about. It’s not a big deal.” He somehow forgot again that he should be Shinichi this time.

Aoko, on the other hand, found his fanning effort appreciable so she decided to ignore his annoying side for now.

The two ended up practicing the changes in the script together that afternoon after Kaito suggested that it would save time if they memorize and practice it with the appropriate gestures together since they are the ones present in that particular scene of the play.

However, still curious as he was, Kaito decided to stalk her on her way home.

“No, I’m not stalking her,” he said to himself while standing on a thick branch of a tree, watching her say goodbye to her friends when they were about to separate ways. “I’m just curious and worried at the same time. She looked like she had a problem but was trying not to show it the whole time. I’m just here to find out what it is so I can help her in ways I can, there’s nothing wrong with it,” he convinced himself, “And besides, I’m supposed to be Shinichi, the detective, right now, ain’t I? This is an investigation, not stalking.”

It has started to get dark when she arrived home. From another tree and through the kitchen window, he saw her preparing dinner for two. He knew as much as the fact that Aoko has only her dad for a family now, but he still didn’t know if their relationship was smooth or not. Now was the chance to find out, he thought.

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