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Elsewhere in Westeros, Arya Stark pulled her small horse to a stop as she came up on the three crosses that protruded from the earth, showing all travelers who passed by that someone lay beneath the earth there for eternal sleep.

Carefully dismounting, the girl tied off her pony to a nearby tree and approached the three marked graves.

Over each mound of earth was a large stone that could only have been lifted by 10 men, or in this case a dragon, and carved deep into the top of each stone was a name: Catelyn Stark, previously Tully. Robb Stark, King in the North. And Talisa Stark, mother of Robb Stark II.

Arya ran her gloved hand over the careful elegant etchings. Only someone with a strong steady hand could have carved the letters so true and perfectly and only a Stark would recognize the elegant, lovely yet bold font. Beneath each name was more letters in smaller font.

Beneath their mother's name was: she loved as a mother loves and a mother's love is eternal even after death. Not even death can part a mother from her child.

Underneath Talisa's, Evelyn had written: the child within her womb lived on and will return to avenge the death of his forebears as the King in the North.

Lastly but definitely not least, on Robb's grave stone was written: the Frey's stole the North their King but the King shall return through Ashes and fire and reborn and the Freys will fall by a masked master of deception and the North will once again belong to a Stark.

Arya smiled. The words were eloquently chosen to purposely sound warm and loving to those who mourned the death of the King in the North, his mother and wife while only those who are an enemy to the Starks could see that there was a warning and a threat in those words.

Evelyn Stark would not let the death of her family go lightly. The youngest Stark girl hummed in pride.

That was the Evelyn she knew. The girl was prepared to turn and walk off back to her horse to continue her own journey when she spotted something fluttering out of the corner of her eye.

Arya approached Robb's grave and she saw that tied to a nail that was driven right next to the "s" of "Stark" was a ribbon. it was covered in soil and snow but the girl could still make out the colors, Golden and blue. The colors of house Stark and house Lannister. The mark of Evelyn Stark Lannister.

Reaching out Arya grabbed the ribbon and yanked it off the nail. Wiping the soil and snow away, she tied the small ribbon around the hilt of her sword that Jon had given her.

"Evelyn Stark shall cross the world to every corner of the earth and leave her mark in the places where people will see her presence. The earth shall rumble and the skies burn and all eyes will look heavenward at the approach of the dragon Princess and the horde of Dragons, come to avenge her father, her mother, her brothers and sister and at her side shall ride the flesh of her kin and the blood of her flesh and all those who trampled her shall quake in fear and all those who loved her shall rejoice, for the Queen has returned."

The girl sighed and turned her pony, "how is that for a prophecy? Just made that myself! Sounded fitting though."

The pony did nothing but stare at the girl blankly as ponies tend to do when spoken to. As the Stark girl mounted her pony and rode off away from the sight of the graves, she did not see a peculiar looking Raven perched on the tree overhanging the graves.

The bird crowed loudly before flying off. Far off in a remote place on the other side of Westeros, Bran Stark woke, his white eyes turning back to their normal color as he sat up.

He looked over at his few remaining companion. If Jojen were here, he would know what to make of that vision that but for some reason, Bran could not shake off what he had just heard his sister say.

Something deep in his gut felt like it was not by accident that Arya, a girl who had never been one for words, had spoken like one of the seers of old who prophesized prophecies.

It was not just off the top of her head that Arya had spoken those words... they had meaning and truth and Bran would feel a deep his bones... they would come to pass.

Hey all! There is the end of part 4! The next part, Part 5 will be in line with season 5

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