Chapter 24: The Dance

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This was it. It was finally time.  Kamanari adjusted his tie in the mirror and swept his fingers through his hair one last time.  There was so much pressure tonight that he could barely contain his nerves.  Not only did he have to complete his mission, but he had to impress Jirou as well.  He had gone on dates before, but never with a girl like this.  Jirou was something else entirely.  Not only was she absolutely beautiful, but she was kind, caring, and super talented.  She could always make him laugh no matter what and would help him out when he needed it the most. 

"Hey Kamibro, you almost ready?"

Kirishima called out from outside his door. 

"Yeah give me one second"

He shouted back as he reached into his drawer and pocketed the earpiece and the signal disruptor Shigaraki gave him.  He opened the door to see Kirishima leaning against the door frame.  His face lit up when he saw Kamanari. 

"Hey bro lookin fresh!"

He said as he gave the electric blonde a fist bump.

"Let's get down there.  Everyone else is ready"

Kirishima motioned for Kamanari to follow as they made their way down the elevator.  Kamanari's jaw dropped as soon as the doors opened.  He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was actually seeing what his eyes registered.  Jirou stood in the middle of the room, in her new dress nervously glancing at the floor.  She didn't do too much to her hair but Kamanari didn't care.  He loved the way she normally wore it.  Even though there was about half a dozen other pretty girls in the room, Jirou was the only one he saw.  Without even trying she managed to shine brighter than everyone else there.  His cheeks turned pink and he got cold feet unable to walk out of the elevator.  Kirishima took note and lightly nudged him with his shoulder. 

"She's waiting for you bro.  Go get her!"

He whispered as he took off to find Ashido.  Kamanari swallowed his fear and slowly made his way over to his date.  When Jirou saw him she had the exact same reaction.  She thought Kamanari looked so handsome in his fancy new suit and the way he styled his hair made it even more gorgeous than usual. 

"H-Hi Jirou"

Kamanari stuttered as he rubbed the back of his head, unable to form words.

"You look...great!"

Jirou blushed and covered her mouth with her hand, her heart beating so fast she could use heartbeat distortion without using her jacks.

"Thanks.  You look pretty good yourself"

She replied as an awkward silence filled the air between them.  She had no idea what to say or how to act.  But then she remembered that this wasn't an actual date so there was no need to be nervous. 

"Cmon let's go!"

She smiled as she grabbed his hand and led him out of the dorms to the gym.  She felt a ping of sadness but she was with him after all, and she would cherish every moment regardless of the circumstances. 

She's....holding my hand.. SHE'S HOLDING MY HAND!

Kamanari said nothing on the walk there, focusing all his efforts on trying to calm himself down. 

"Wow look at this place!"

Hagakure exclaimed as the class arrived at the gym.  There were blue and gold streamers hanging from the rafters as a disco ball glittered in the middle of the room.  Colorful lights danced around the shadows of the dimly lit gym as the music blared through giant speakers.  On the other side of the room sat a large table filled with snacks and drinks. 

"Oh I love this song! Cmon guys let's dance!"

Ashido shouted grabbing Kirishima's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. They all danced and sang, letting lose and jiving. Thanks to Ashido's lessons from the school festival, all of them had the confidence to get down as they tore up the dance floor.  Kamanari and Jirou never broke eye contact, as they danced amongst the sea of their classmates, both grinning from ear to ear. 

"Oh man that was fun!"

Uraraka said catching her breath once the song ended.  It was at this moment that Kamanari remembered his mission.  His smile fell and was replaced with a look of seriousness and determination. 

"Hey I think I might've ate something bad from the snack bar.  I'm gonna go to the bathroom"


Jirou shouted as the next song started drowning out his voice. 

"I'll be back later!"

Kamanari yelled as he ran out of the gym clutching his stomach to feign sickness. 

"Where'd he run too now?"

Midoriya asked looking around confused.  Jirou shrugged and continued dancing, not giving it much thought.  As soon as he made it out of the gym, Kamanari reached into his pocket and placed his earpiece in his eardrum as he snuck off to the security room.  He picked the lock and started typing away.  He wasn't the best with computers but he knew enough. 

"I'm at the security room now.  Disabling the motion sensors now"

Kamanari whispered into the earpiece. 

"Good.  We're in position on the South Gate"

Shigaraki responded.  It took a few minutes, but Kamanari finally figured out how to disable the UA barrier. 

"Ok security is down"

He said pressing a button which caused the entire screen to flash red. 

"Perfect.  We're on the campus now.  Place the device and go back to the dance to avoid suspicion.  We'll take it from here"

"Roger.  Over and out"

Kamanari clicked his earpiece as he placed the signal disruptor on the mainframe.  A green light started blinking as a blue bar started to fill up. 

This is it.  Everything I've worked so hard for as led to this moment.  Prepare to meet your end heroes

He poked his head out the door making sure no one was coming before quickly making his way back to the gym.  He didn't get ten feet before something wrapped around his neck, preventing him from moving.  He whipped around to see Aizawa holding his binding cloth, his red eyes glaring at him. 

"No more games Kamanari"

Aizawa shouted angrily.  Kamanari gasped for breath as Aizawa yanked on the binding cloth choking him.  He pulled Kamanari closer gripping him by the lapel and stared deep into his eyes. 

"You're going to tell me everything I want to know.  You traitor"

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