Exploding Snap

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Scorpius paced in one of the corridors on the seventh floor. Slowly, the wall next to him changed and became a large wooden door with black metal hinges. He smiled to himself and opened the door to the Room of Requirement. The room was fairly large but cosy. Directly across from the entrance there was a big marble fireplace which held a warm and crackling fire. Two sofas and one large armchair were gathered around the fire, crammed into the space between the desks and bookshelves lining the walls. An old pink gramophone sat to one side playing an equally old vinyl. This was their common room. Since all of the Weasleys and Potters were in different years and some in different houses, they all came to this room to be together.

Rose and Albus sat on one of the sofas. Rose was, unsurprisingly, reading a rather large and heavy book and had her legs stretched out across Albus' lap so her feet were on his armrest. Albus was, once again, studying the map that Teddy Lupin had given him after he had left Hogwarts,

"Hey guys." Scorpius said. He crossed the room, tossed his bag to one side and collapsed into the armchair,

"How was detention?" Rose asked with a smirk while she closed the book she was reading.

"Tedious, but you wouldn't understand little miss I've-never-had-a-detention-because-all-my-teachers-love-me." Scorpius replied. Albus chuckled. He had known Scorpius for years and he had never been very good at comebacks. Rose rolled her eyes.

"Honestly Scorp, we've only been back for a month! This year is important. O.W.L.s need to be studied for."

"Spare me the lecture Rosie, I know," he sighed, "besides, it wasn't my fault and you know it."

"You punched Liam Finnigan in the face!" Albus said. Albus didn't speak often but when he did, he chose his words carefully.

"Al, come on. You know I can't help it." Scorpius put his head in his hands. Rose had a pitying look on her face. She crossed to the armchair and sat on the arm whilst giving Scorpius a backwards hug. Her long red curls engulfed his head.

"Don't listen to 'em. You're not your father or grandfather." She whispered in his ear, He reached up and gave her hand a squeeze.

"Right," Rose began after standing up quickly, "Friday night, what do you guys want to do?"

"Don't mind." Scorpius said and he grabbed her waist to help himself off the armchair. His hands lingered slightly before being hastily stuffed into his pockets. Albus smiled to himself. It was amazing that Rose didn't realise how Scorpius felt about her.

"Exploding snap." Albus said and he pulled a deck out of his trouser pocket. The three of them played for hours until Rose finally glanced at her watch.

"Merlin, look at the time! It's almost curfew." She cried. They all hurried to the staircase, then stopped.

"See you at breakfast tomorrow." Rose said and quickly planted a kiss on each of their cheeks before running up the stairs to Gryffindor tower. Albus and Scorpius turned around and descended the staircase down to the dungeon and towards the Slytherin common room.

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