Sunday Lunch

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"Hey! How was your honeymoon?" Lily asked excitedly as she opened the door to her cousin, who was accompanied by her husband.

"You look like you've caught the sun a little bit," Albus remarked as he passed behind his sister carrying his wriggling daughter. 

The Potters and the Weasleys were at Harry and Ginny's house in Godric's Hollow for Sunday lunch. 

"Come in out of the cold," Hermione said appearing in the doorway. They walked into the living room to be greeted by everyone.

"How was the two month honeymoon? How come we didn't have a two month honeymoon?" Ron asked. Rose rolled her eyes at her father before beginning to speak.

"Well, we can show you all. You know that book that Scorpius got? We kept it as a little journal for the holiday," she pulled it out of her bag and handed it to her mum. 

"Ah, you look like you had fun, what was the best bit?"

"India. It's such a colourful country, and so busy, there's always something going on. It's incredible," Rose replied. 

*         *          *

They all sat down to eat and Alice wrestled with her daughter to spoon-feed her. 

"What's been going on back here then?" Scorpius asked.

"Nothing really, life has just rolled on," Harry chuckled, making eye contact with his brother-in-law and gave a look which conveyed to Ron: not like the old days, eh?

"Well, we've told you all about the trip so maybe we should tell you the other thing. We're moving house," Rose said, smiling as she did so.

"Oh, wow!" Charlie exclaimed, "that came out of nowhere,"

"Well, it didn't really. We've been looking for a place for ages and it all went through just before we went away. We didn't want to say anything because, well, we didn't want to jinx it," Scorpius said.

"Scorpius didn't want to jinx it. I wanted to tell you as soon as we had the idea,"

Harry smiled at his niece. "Where are you moving to?" 

"Well, we're fed up of stepping on eggshells around Sarah and Ben and the other people downstairs from us. Plus, we wanted a house. A proper house, you know? Not just a flat. So we found a little place out in Cornwall, not that far from Bill and Fleur. It was a real find, really. It's pretty big; four bedrooms and and nice garden. And it's in a quiet little town where wizards outnumber muggles. It has it's own little Diagon Alley, so we'll be able to get all of the stuff we need free from prying muggle eyes,"

"When are you moving?" Hermione asked eagerly. Rose could almost see the colour-coded and time-scheduled lists glinting in her mother's eyes.

"Next week,"

"Bloody hell, Rosie, that's fast isn't it?" Ron asked.

"But it's not. It is since we've just told you but we've known for ages, it's all planned, relax Dad," she told him with a smile.

"Well, then. To Rose and Scorpius," Ron said, raising a glass. The rest of them repeated it and raised their own glasses in response. 

*          *          *

"So will you need any help at all, sweetheart?" Hermione asked her daughter as they made tea for the others who were sitting in the next room chatting.

"No, I don't think so mum. We've got it all covered really. We'll probably have a house-warming party a few weeks after we've settled in and stuff, it'll be good to see the whole family again,"

Hermione took a tray of mugs into the living room and passed Scorpius in the hallway. He went to join Rose. 

"My mum has just asked me for the probably fifth time if we need any help moving," she said smiling, "I feel bad saying no but we don't need any help, do we?"

"Aw, honey, don't feel bad. You know that we're fine. The next two days we're packing the rest of the stuff up and the day after we're officially moved in. It's the unpacking that's the hard bit. We've only got a small flat-full of furniture, we might need to get some more or it'll look sparse," he said which caused them both to laugh. 

Rose stepped towards him and entwined her fingers in his. "What colour should we paint the walls?"

"How about green?" he teased.

"How about red?" she retaliated. He smiled and pressed his lips to hers. "I can see it now, red and gold - " she was about to go on but Scorpius stopped her by kissing her again.

"Whatever you want, Rosie," Scorpius replied with a wink.

*          *          *

"Rose, is there anything else left to go in this box?" Scorpius called to her from the lounge of their flat.

"Just our Eighty Days book," she called back, appearing in the doorframe. 

Scorpius crossed to the kitchen table and picked up the book. A piece of paper fluttered to the floor. He picked it up and was about to stuff it back into the book when he noticed that the page was blank. His eyes focused on the words written at the top. On the first line: CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT

He remained confused for a moment. There wasn't a thirty-eighth chapter in the actual book and so he hadn't included it in the version he had given to Rose on their wedding day.

He read the next line: In which a couple became a few

Scorpius looked up at his wife who was grinning. Rose placed her hand on her belly. Scorpius' mouth fell open and he laughed.

"Are we - are we having a baby?" he asked her, putting the book back on the table. She nodded. Scorpius ran over to her and hugged her, lifting her off the ground as he did so. 

"How long have you known?" he asked, leaning back from their hug so that he could see her face.

"Since the other day. When we went for Sunday Lunch. I was waiting for the right time. The right way to tell you," she replied, still grinning from ear to ear. 

"Merlin's beard! We're having a baby," Scorpius repeated, kissing his wife. When they broke apart he leant down and kissed her belly. 

He stood up so that they were eye to eye. 

"I love you," he said.

"I love you more," she replied.

"I love you most," he told her. She smiled and rested her forehead against his.

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